
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Second Call for Proposals
    23rd Polar Libraries Colloquy, "Cool Libraries in a Melting World"
    13-18 June 2010
    Bremerhaven, Germany

  2. Call for Abstracts
    IceTech 2010: International Conference and Exhibition on Performance
    of Ships and Structures in Ice
    20-23 September 2010
    Anchorage, Alaska

  3. Call for Abstracts
    First International Conference on Indigenous Place Names
    3-8 September 2010
    Guovdageaidnu, Norway

  1. Second Call for Proposals
    23rd Polar Libraries Colloquy, "Cool Libraries in a Melting World"
    13-18 June 2010
    Bremerhaven, Germany

The 23rd Polar Libraries Colloquy (PLC), entitled "Cool Libraries in a
Melting World," will be convened 13-18 June 2010 in Bremerhaven,
Germany. Organizers announce the second call for submission of proposals
for papers and panel session presentations, which are due by Friday, 19
March 2010.

Both polar regions have been affected by climate change. In the Arctic,
communities living in the permafrost regions are especially confronted
with many problems, and organizers especially welcome papers regarding
its impacts on libraries and what can be done to enhance public
understanding. Conference sessions are expected to include panel
discussions of current topics as well as research presentations.

Potential topics include:

- Sustaining libraries during an economic crisis;
- Preservation of cultural heritage - collection management of
photographs, films and oral recordings;
- The focus and impact of polar journals;
- Outreach of libraries and archives - use of new technologies for
teaching and public interactions;
- Providing and accessing open access literature through
institutional repositories and other means;
- The centenary of the historic dash for the South Pole by Scott and
- Adapting the library to 21st century needs;
- Growing role of ebooks;
- Innovative and customized services such as data publishing;
- Collaborations and exchanges; and
- Marketing the library.

Conference registration is required in order to present a paper.
Proposals must be emailed to: plc23 [at] and should include the title,
abstract (maximum 250 words), coauthors, presenters, chair (if
applicable), and the applicant's email address. The PLC steering
committee will notify applicants of acceptance by 16 April 2010. For
further details on the abstract submission process, please click on the
'Call for Proposals' link at:

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 19 March 2010.

For further information, please go to:

  1. Call for Abstracts
    IceTech 2010: International Conference and Exhibition on Performance
    of Ships and Structures in Ice
    20-23 September 2010
    Anchorage, Alaska

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) and the
Institute of the North announce IceTech 2010: International Conference
and Exhibition on Performance of Ships and Structures in the Ice, to be
held 20-23 September 2010 in Anchorage, Alaska.

The conference will take place at the Hotel Captain Cook, starting with
an opening icebreaker reception on the evening of Monday, 20 September
2010, and concluding in the late afternoon on Thursday, 23 September

You are invited to join in this exciting event through technical paper
presentation, exhibition, delegate and accompanying person attendance,
sponsorship participation, or all of the above.

Preliminary Session Topics Include:

- Icebreaking Ships (including Naval Architecture and Marine
- Structures in Ice/Iceberg Populated Waters (including Structure
Design, Ice/Iceberg-Structure Interaction, and Ice/Iceberg
- Construction and Logistics in Ice-Covered Areas;
- New Offshore Developments in Ice-Covered Areas;
- Pipelines and Facilities;
- Codes, Regulations, and Standards;
- Ice Conditions, Forecasting, and Remote Sensing;
- Safety, Risk, and Environmental Protection;
- Escape, Evacuation, and Rescue (EER);
- Marine Systems for Offshore Drilling and Production Operations in
- Evaluation of Arctic Hazards;
- Global Warming Implications to the Arctic; and
- Arctic Geopolitics.

Additional key dates for IceTech 10 are as follows:

- Abstract Submission Deadline: Saturday, 20 March 2010
- Abstract Acceptance: Monday, 5 April 2010
- Early Registration Discount: 20 May 2010
- Technical Paper Submission for Review Deadline: 20 May 2010
- Notification of Acceptance or Revisions: 20 June 2010
- Publication Copy Deadline: 20 July 2010

Abstract Submission Deadline Extended: Saturday, 20 March 2010.

For further information, please go to:

  1. Call for Abstracts
    First International Conference on Indigenous Place Names
    3-8 September 2010
    Guovdageaidnu, Norway

The First International Conference on Indigenous Place Names (ICIPN)
will be held 3-8 September 2010 at Sami University College in
Guovdageaidnu, Norway.

ICIPN will be the first time Indigenous place names and place naming
will be discussed from multidisciplinary perspectives, with
presentations from various Indigenous societies. The official conference
languages are North Sami and English. There will be simultaneous
interpretation in the auditorium at the conference venue, Diehtosiida.

The deadline for abstract submissions is Wednesday, 31 March 2010.
Please note that this date has been extended past the original deadline.
Organizers invite scholars from around the world currently working with
Indigenous place names to join this first multidisciplinary conference.
For further information on the abstract submission process, please go

Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 31 March 2010.

For further information, please go to: