
Multiple Opportunity Announcements

  1. Call for Proposals
    Climate Change Education: Climate Change Education Partnership
    Program, Phase I
    National Science Foundation

  2. Charter Extended
    Antarctic Research and Supply Vessel Laurence M. Gould
    Raytheon Polar Services Company

  1. Call for Proposals
    Climate Change Education: Climate Change Education Partnership
    Program, Phase I
    National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a Call for Proposals for
the Climate Change Education (CCE): Climate Change Education Partnership
(CCEP) Program, Phase I (CCEP-I). Letters of intent are due Friday, 23
April 2010 and full proposals are due Monday, 24 May 2010.

The CCEP program seeks to establish a coordinated national network of
regionally- or thematically-based partnerships devoted to increasing the
adoption of effective, high quality educational programs and resources
related to the science of climate change and its impacts. Each CCEP is
required to be of a large enough scale that they will have catalytic or
transformative impact that cannot be achieved through other core NSF
program awards. The CCEP program is one facet of a larger NSF
collection of awards related to Climate Change Education (CCE) that has
two goals:

- Preparing a new generation of climate scientists, engineers, and
technicians equipped to provide innovative and creative approaches
to understanding global climate change and to mitigate its impact;
- Preparing today's U.S. citizens to understand global climate
change and its implications in ways that can lead to informed,
evidence-based responses and solutions.

Each CCEP must include representation from at least each of the
following communities: climate scientists, experts in the learning
sciences, and practitioners from within formal or informal education
venues. This combined expertise will insure that educational programs
and resources developed through the activities of each CCEP reflects
current understanding about climate science, the best theoretical
approaches for teaching such a complex topic, and the practical means
necessary to reach the intended learner audience(s). Each CCEP should
be organized around either geographic regions that share similar climate
change impacts, or major climate impact themes (e.g., sea-level rise).

The CCEP program is a two-phase program. This solicitation seeks
proposals for development of Phase I Partnerships (CCEP-I). CCEP-I
grantees will receive up to 2 years of funding to support synthesis,
network-building, and strategic planning activities leading toward
potential Phase II Partnerships (CCEP-II). Each CCEP-I awardee is
expected to:

- Conduct an inventory of existing climate change education
resources and identify educational needs and opportunities relevant
to their particular region or theme;
- Identify key players from relevant stakeholder communities and
initiate network development;
- Convene community workshops and other community-building
activities that lead toward development of a comprehensive climate
change education strategic plan for that Partnership; and
- Begin to serve as a test-bed for development, customization and
scaling up of standards-based instructional materials, professional
development and training models, and other appropriate activities
tailored to the Partnership's goals.

External evaluation activities (formative and summative) are required
during Phase I efforts (and will be required during Phase II). In FY
2011, CCEP-I awardees will be able to request supplemental funding in
order to support:

- Early implementation of meritorious programs or activities
identified during the planning effort; and/or
- Expansion of the initial Partnership through addition of other
investigators seeking to collaborate with a specific CCEP-I awardee.

A future program solicitation will invite proposals for Phase II
Partnerships, which are expected to receive 5 years of support for
full-scale implementation of mature strategic plans serving the goals of
the CCE program. Eligible institutions for the CCEP-II competition will
include the CCEP-I awardees and equivalent partnerships established
through other funding mechanisms that have met the CCEP-I strategic
planning criteria and objectives described in this solicitation. Phase
II of the CCEP program is expected to begin in FY 2012, depending on the
availability of funding.

Further information, including eligibility requirements, funding
amounts, application guidelines, and program contacts is available in
the full proposal. This can be downloaded by entering 'nsf10542' in the
search box at:

Deadline, Letter of Intent: Friday, 23 April 2010
Deadline, Full Proposal: Monday, 24 May 2010

  1. Charter Extended
    Antarctic Research and Supply Vessel Laurence M. Gould
    Raytheon Polar Services Company

Raytheon Polar Services Company is pleased to announce that the
Antarctic Research and Supply Vessel (ARSV) Laurence M. Gould (LMG)
charter has been extended and is in effect through July 2015, with an
option for an additional five years. LMG will continue to provide cargo
and personnel support for Palmer Station and support research cruises
for National Science Foundation (NSF) science projects as part of the
United States Antarctic Program (USAP).

Interested principal investigators should submit research proposals to
the NSF Office of Polar Programs (OPP), Division of Antarctic Sciences.
The Antarctic Research solicitation, available online at, describes
the science programs supported by USAP and how to prepare a proposal.

Additional information about the USAP is available on NSF's web site at and on the U.S. Antarctic
Program portal at