
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Symposium Announcement
    Climate Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases
    Tuesday, 2 March 2010
    New York, New York

  2. Call for Participation and Applications from Young Researchers
    Northern Research Forum 6th Open Assembly
    "Our Ice Dependent World"
    24-27 October 2010
    Oslo and Kirkenes, Norway

  3. Workshop Announcement
    UK Polar Network
    Investigating Variability in Polar Climates: Past,
    Present, and Future
    8-9 April 2010
    Leeds, United Kingdom

  1. Symposium Announcement
    Climate Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases
    Tuesday, 2 March 2010
    New York, New York

Organizers announce the "Climate Change and Emerging Infectious
Diseases" symposium, which will be convened Tuesday, 2 March 2010 at the
New York Academy of Sciences in New York, New York. The program will
also be available as a live, interactive webinar.

Human activities have caused sharp increases in atmospheric greenhouse
gasses and aerosols, which are very likely causing significant changes
in climate. These include increases in the global average temperatures,
enhanced over land and in arctic regions; changes in seasonality; ocean
warming; more intense precipitation; and alterations to the rainfall
patterns, particularly in the tropics and sub-tropics. Climate change
combined with increased global mobility is resulting in previously
unforeseen evolution of newly emerging infectious diseases worldwide,
reemergence of diseases previously under control and redistribution of
diseases across the planet. This symposium examines the complex
relationship between the climate, environment, and infectious diseases.
Experts in climate change, climate policy, emerging infectious diseases
and public health will discuss the relevant and pressing issues that we
as a global community face, and possible solutions that can be

A tentative agenda, a list of speakers, and the preliminary abstracts
are available online at:
Registration is also available online, for both the in-person meeting
and the webinar. Webinar participants should download the requirements
and reference guide before the meeting, to ensure that they have
adequate equipment for participation.

The meeting will take place at the New York Academy of Sciences
Conference Center, located at:

7 World Trade Center
250 Greenwich Street, 40th floor
New York, New York

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Cristine Barreto
Email: cbarreto [at]

  1. Call for Participation and Applications from Young Researchers
    Northern Research Forum 6th Open Assembly
    "Our Ice Dependent World"
    24-27 October 2010
    Oslo and Kirkenes, Norway

Organizers of the Northern Research Forum (NRF) 6th Open Assembly - Our
Ice Dependent World announce a call for participation and applications
from young researchers. The event will be held on 24-27 October 2010 in
Oslo and Kirkenes, Norway.

The theme "Our Ice Dependent World" is meant to address the impact of
dwindling ice--terrestrial as well as ocean bound--on the complex
interface of nature and society in all climatic zones of the world. In
light of man-made aspects of climate change, the natural phenomena of
ice are gradually becoming a concept of global politics affecting
societal life in dramatic ways on a global scale. The 6th NRF Open
Assembly will focus on the interrelationships of human and environmental
dimensions of ice in a global context, and particularly in the Arctic,
the Antarctic, and the Himalayans. Discussions are expected to highlight
the role of research, the social relevance of science, and community in
addressing the issues globally. For further information on the program,
please click on the 'NRF 6th Open Assembly Thematic Program' link in the
'What's New' box at:

Young researchers and professionals who meet one of the following
requirements are eligible to receive full or partial travel funding from
the NRF in order to participate in the Open Assembly:

- Individual has completed a Master's degree in the past 2-3 years,
and plans to complete a doctoral degree;
- Individual is a current terminal degree student (e.g. PhD, JD); or
- Individual is a postdoctoral student/professional, no more than
five years past terminal degree completion.

Further information, including the application form, is available on the
NRF website at: To access the application please
click on the 'Call for Participation from Young Researchers' link in the
'NRF Calendar' box. At that page, click on the 'Young Researchers 2010
Open Assembly Registration' link.

Application Deadline: Monday, 15 March 2010.

For further information, please go to:

Or email the NRF Secretariat at:
nrf [at]

  1. Workshop Announcement
    UK Polar Network
    Investigating Variability in Polar Climates: Past,
    Present, and Future
    8-9 April 2010
    Leeds, United Kingdom

The UK Polar Network announces the first workshop of 2010 in the UKPN
Career Skills Workshop series. The workshop is entitled "Investigating
Variability in Polar Climates: Past, Present, and Future" and will be
held 8-9 April 2010 at the University of Leeds in Leeds, United Kingdom.

The focus of the workshop is on understanding the evolution of polar
climates from deep-time to the present day in terms of
ice-atmosphere-ocean interactions. Organizers also aim to discuss how
polar climates are likely to evolve in the future. This will be
accomplished through talks by leading academics, interactive
discussions, and poster presentations. Proposed sessions include:

- Polar Meteorology;
- Polar Chemistry;
- Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere;
- Modeling of Polar Environments: Climate Modeling;
- Modeling of Polar Environments: Ice Sheet Modeling;
- Palaeo-perspectives on Polar Environments; and
- Future Evolution of Polar Environments.

Planned sessions also include advice on how early career polar
scientists can engage with a general audience about their research and
deal with criticism from climate change skeptics. Investigating
Variability in Polar Climates: Past, Present, and Future may appeal to
modelers, experimentalists, and observational researchers across a range
of fields including polar atmospheric chemistry and physics, climate and
ice sheet modeling, and polar remote sensing.

The workshop is aimed at early career scientists such as master
students, Ph.D. students, and postdoctoral researchers. It will provide
a fantastic opportunity for peer-to-peer networking and include a poster
session and a workshop dinner. It will promote the sharing of ideas
between early career researchers and encourage new collaborations, but
also increase the technical and scientific knowledge of the
participants. All participants are encouraged to present a poster, and
will be given the opportunity to help in the organization of the
workshop, such as by chairing sessions.

The event is free for all members of the UKPN and you do not need to be
based in the UK to join the UKPN or to participate in the workshop. The
UKPN also has some funds to support participants' travel and
accommodation costs.

Organizers ask interested participants to pre-register by Monday, 1
March 2010 by filling in an online survey
( Please specify which sessions
in particular you will be interested in and also give an estimate of
funds that you would require to cover your travel and accommodation

For more information please go to the UKPN website
( and click on the "Investigating
Variability in Polar Climates: Past, Present, and Future" link in the
left sidebar.

Or email:
leedspolarnet [at]