
Multiple Positions Available

  1. Alfred Wegener Institute seeks Postdoctoral Candidate
    Bremerhaven, Germany

  2. British Antarctic Survey seeks PhD Student
    Cambridge, United Kingdom

  3. West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide seeks Science Technitions
    West Antarctica

  1. Alfred Wegener Institute seeks Postdoctoral Candidate
    Bremerhaven, Germany

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Section
Observational Oceanography, invites applications for a postdoctoral
position to analyze circulation dynamics and properties of the Arctic
Ocean in a changing climate. The position will be based in Bremerhaven,
Germany and is limited to three years.

The arctic shelf seas play an important role in climate both as major
factories of sea ice and as distribution areas of huge amounts of river
runoff. In the same time they cover large areas of submarine permafrost.
Climate warming is particularly strong in the Arctic, which is expected
to be related to feedback processes in the sea ice atmosphere ocean
system. A good knowledge of the ocean sea-ice dynamics is therefore
essential for understanding arctic change and proposing future

The successful applicant will combine a variety of Arctic Ocean
observations and numerical model results to study Arctic Ocean changes.
The availability of data sets from past program periods will allow the
candidate a strong publication activity. He/she will also participate in
scientific cruises to continue the observational program.

Applicants must hold a PhD degree in physics, physical oceanography,
meteorology, or related disciplines and have a deep interest in
understanding the high latitude climate system. An excellent physical
background and experience with data analysis are necessary.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, publication list, and
certificate. Completed application packages should reference job number
17/D-KLI and be emailed to:, or sent in
hardcopy to:

Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar- und Meeresforschung
Personalabteilung, 17/D-KLI
Postfach 12 01 61
27515 Bremerhaven

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 10 March 2010.

For further information, please contact:
Jens Holemann
Email: Jens.Hoelemann [at]

Ursula Schauer
Email: ursula.schauer [at]

  1. British Antarctic Survey seeks PhD Student
    Cambridge, United Kingdom

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) seeks a PhD student to work on an
exciting new collaboration between the British Antarctic Survey and the
University of Oxford. The fully funded studentship is based at BAS
headquarters in Cambridge and should result in the award of a D.Phil.
from Oxford.

The successful candidate will study the circulation in Petermann Fjord
and its impact on melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and freshwater
discharge into Nares Strait. This will involve the application of a
high-resolution coupled model, developed by BAS, to the fjord's ocean,
sea ice, and 85-km long floating glacier tongue. Oceanographic data for
model validation and boundary conditions, as well as for developing
hypotheses, will be provided by project partners in Oxford and Canada.

Applicants should have a degree in mathematics, physics, or another
numerate subject and have a strong interest in using their skills to
model the climate system. The studentship is funded by the Natural
Environment Research Council and is expected to start 1 October 2010. To
be eligible for the full award candidates must hold a British Passport
or have been resident in the UK for the last 3 years.

Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and the
email addresses of two referees and be sent to Adrian Jenkins at:
ajen [at]

Application Deadline: Friday, 12 March 2010.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Adrian Jenkins
Email: ajen [at]

  1. West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide seeks Science Technicians
    West Antarctica

The Science Coordination Office at West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide
(WAIS) Divide is seeking applicants for science technicians to help in
the drilling and ice core recovery process during the 2010/2011
Antarctic field season in West Antarctica.

Science technicians will receive ice cores as they are removed from the
drill, measure the length and quality of the cores, and pack the cores
for shipping. Candidates must be able to lift 20 pounds on a regular
basis and occasionally 40 pounds. The work takes place inside a building
with an internal temperature of -30 C. Although there are ample
opportunities for breaks in a warm building, candidates must be
comfortable working in a cold environment. The field season will start
in late October/early November 2010 and will continue through late
January/early February 2011.

WAIS Divide is a United States deep ice coring project in West
Antarctica funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and is the
second component to the larger WAISCORES initiative. The purpose of the
WAIS Divide project is to collect a deep ice core from the flow divide
in central West Antarctica in order to develop a unique series of
interrelated climate, ice dynamics, and biologic records focused on
understanding interactions among global earth systems.

Review of applications will begin in early March 2010 and will continue
until all positions are filled.

To apply, please complete the online application form after reviewing
the full job description at:

For further information, please contact:
Ken Taylor
Phone: 775-673-7375
Email: Kendrick [at]

Mark Twickler
Phone: 603-862-1991
Email: mark.twickler [at]

Joe Souney
Phone: 603-862-0591
Email: joseph.souney [at]