
Seminar Announcement
ANILCA: Alaska National Interest Land Claims Act of 1980
2-3 March 2010
Anchorage, Alaska

Registration deadline: Friday, 19 February 2010

For more information, please go to:

Or contact:
Nancy Hemsath
Phone: +1-907-771-2443
Email: nhemsath [at]

The Institute of the North announces its next Alaska National Interest
Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) Seminar, which will be held Tuesday and
Wednesday, 2-3 March 2010 at the Embassy Suites in Anchorage, Alaska.
Registration is open through Friday, 19 February 2010. To register,
please download the registration form available at:

At the request of Congress, the Institute of the North created a
detailed and in-depth training curriculum on the Alaska National
Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) of 1980. The curriculum
illuminates the Alaska context for this sweeping and historic lands act
and explains its unique aspects in detail. Institute Senior Fellow Roger
Pearson will moderate the two-day session, which includes guest speakers
from a variety of sectors who have experience with ANILCA and its

The goal is to help all stakeholders, including federal agency
personnel, state government leaders and land managers, Native corporate
staff, inholders, and the general public to better understand this
pervasive and controversial law so it can be implemented fully and
fairly. The seminar cost of $500 includes a comprehensive ANILCA Study
Guide and CD, lunches, continental breakfasts, and all sessions.
Participants will gain an understanding of:

- Alaska's land history, with emphasis on statehood and the Alaska
Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), and ANILCA;
- The key provisions of ANILCA;
- Ten exceptions written by Congress in ANILCA to guarantee the
continuation of the Alaska lifestyle;
- The intent of Congress, including the "no more" clause;
- Subsistence - ANILCA provisions and how it is managed today;
- General hunting, fishing, and trapping on federal lands;
- Access to inholdings and across wilderness preserves in national
forests, parks, refuges, and other conservation system units (CSU)
and the definition of "compatible with the purposes of a CSU";
- Navigable waters, submerged lands, and Revised Statute (RS) 2477s
ownership and status;
- ownership and status;
- Wilderness Act exceptions in ANILCA;
- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and ANILCA;
- Management planning and ANILCA; and
- ANILCA and the State of Alaska.

Space is limited, and registration closes Friday, 19 February 2010.
Special hotel rates at the Embassy Suites are available through Monday,
8 February 2010.

For more information, please go to:

Or contact:
Nancy Hemsath
Phone: +1-907-771-2443
Email: nhemsath [at]