
Multiple Positions Available
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Alaska Region

Application Deadline: Sunday, 7 February 2010

For further information, please search for Job Announcement Number
R7-10-309862-MA at:

Or contact:
LaVerne Smith
Email: LaVerne_Smith [at]
Phone: 907-786-3493

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Alaska Region, is recruiting
to fill vacancies for two Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC)
Coordinators and two LCC Science Coordinators. One of each position will
be located in Fairbanks to administer the Arctic Landscape Conservation
Cooperative and one each in Anchorage to administer the Western Alaska
Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
(LCCs) are landscape-scale conservation-science partnerships between the
USFWS and other conservation agencies and organizations (more information
on LCCs is available at:

The LCC Coordinator assumes principal responsibilities for initiating,
facilitating, integrating, coordinating, and communicating the work and
activities of the partnership, as well as management of LCC staff and
operations. Work and activities relate to several primary functional
aspects of Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) implementation and
administration, including coordinating biological planning, conservation
design, conservation delivery, assumption-driven research,
monitoring/evaluation, and organizational performance. For additional
information, including application requirements, please search by Job
Announcement Number R7-10-309862-MA at:

The LCC Science Coordinator ensures landscape conservation efforts are
coordinated across geographic areas and other boundaries, provides
scientific and technical coordination support in progressively refining
the scientific and technical underpinning of fish and wildlife
conservation strategies, and provides leadership in creating, guiding,
facilitating, and nurturing an interdependent network among the state
conservation agencies, bureaus of the Department of Interior, USFWS
programs, and other agencies and organizations. For additional
information, including application requirements, please search by Job
Announcement Number R7-10-309026-KD (for current federal employees) or
R7-10-309029-KD (for applicants who are not federal employees) at:

Application Deadline: Sunday, 7 February 2010

For further information, please search for Job Announcement Number
R7-10-309862-MA at:

Or contact:
LaVerne Smith
Email: LaVerne_Smith [at]
Phone: 907-786-3493