
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Intellectual property and ethics regarding access to
    data and reports
    17th Inuit Studies Conference
    28-30 October 2010
    Val d'Or, Quebec, Canada

  2. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    CR5.4: Subglacial Environments of Ice Sheets and Glaciers
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
    2-7 May 2010
    Vienna, Austria

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Intellectual property and ethics regarding access to
    data and reports
    17th Inuit Studies Conference
    28-30 October 2010
    Val d'Or, Quebec, Canada

The organizer of a proposed session entitled "Intellectual property and
ethics regarding access to data and reports" announces a call for
abstracts. The session will be convened at the 17th Inuit Studies
Conference, scheduled for 28-30 October 2010 at the UQAT First Peoples
Pavilion on the Val-d'Or campus in Quebec, Canada.

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please contact Murielle
Nagy (murielle.nagy [at] no later than Friday, 22 January
2010. Your email should include:

- Name, title, and role of the author(s);
- Home institution (if applicable);
- Complete contact information, including an email address;
- Title of the paper; and
- Short abstract.

The abstract proposals may be presented in either English or French, and
will be forwarded to the conference coordinators. A scientific committee
will select the papers to be presented at the conference. The
committee's selections will be made public in March 2010.

For further information, please contact:
Murielle Nagy
Email: murielle.nagy [at]

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    CR5.4: Subglacial Environments of Ice Sheets and Glaciers
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
    2-7 May 2010
    Vienna, Austria

Organizers of Session CR5.4, "Subglacial Environments of Ice Sheets and
Glaciers," announce a call for abstracts. This session will be convened
at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2010, scheduled
for 2-7 May 2010 in Vienna, Austria.

Subglacial environments are some of the least accessible regions on
Earth and represent one of the last physical frontiers of glaciological
research. They are both unique ecological habitats and key components in
the dynamic behavior of ice sheets and glaciers. They are also complex,
being characterized by precise mass and energy transfers between the ice
and its substrate of water, air, bedrock, or sediment, and the oceans at
the boundaries of ice sheets. In particular, determining the
distribution and nature of water flows at the ice-mass bed is
increasingly recognized as key to understanding and predicting ice
dynamics. For example, a growing number of remote sensing and
ground-based observations across Antarctica and Greenland are
highlighting the existence of subglacial water in a variety of forms,
ranging from vast subglacial lakes (providing distinctive habitats for
potentially unique life forms) to mm-thick water flows at the
ice-substrate interface.

Feedbacks between increased surface melting, glacier bed conditions, and
ice flow also affect alpine glaciers, potentially contributing to
increased glacial retreat in low and mid-latitude mountain regions.
Overall, it is clear that subglacial processes have a great impact on
ice dynamics, transcending all scales of ice mass from valley glaciers
to large ice sheets, and contribute through feedback loops to changes in
sea level, ocean circulation, and regional and global climate evolution.
Characterizing basal environments quantitatively, therefore, remains an
outstanding glaciological problem, as does scaling of this knowledge for
use in modeling ice sheet and glacier behavior.

Organizers invite scientific contributions that include, but are not
limited to, measurements and/or modeling of:

- Flow of subglacial water at the bed and through subglacial
- Linkages between subglacial hydrology and ice dynamics;
- Theoretical-, field-, or laboratory-based parameterization of
subglacial processes in numerical ice-flow models;
- Formation, geometry, and potential hydrological linkages between
subglacial lakes;
- Subglacial and supraglacial lake drainage and subglacial floods
from ice margins; and
- Geomorphological evidence of subglacial water flows from
contemporary ice-sheet margins and across formerly glaciated
continental-scale regions.

Abstract Submission Deadline for all Sessions: Monday, 18 January 2010.

To submit an abstract, you will need to log in or create an account at:

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Stefan Vogel
Email: svogel [at]