
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. 6th Annual Polar Technology Conference
    25-26 March 2010
    Boulder, Colorado

  2. Save the Date
    IPY From Knowledge to Action Conference
    22-27 April 2012
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  3. Session Announcements and Call for Abstracts
    CL2.1: Climate of the Polar Regions
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
    2-7 May 2010
    Vienna, Austria

  4. Event Dates Changed
    17th Inuit Studies Conference
    28-30 October 2010
    Val d'Or, Quebec, Canada

  1. 6th Annual Polar Technology Conference
    25-26 March 2010
    Boulder, Colorado

Following the tradition established by Stanford University and SRI
International, the 6th Annual Polar Technology Conference will be hosted
by UNAVCO from 25-26 March 2010 in Boulder, Colorado.

The primary purpose of this conference is to bring together polar
scientists and technology developers in a forum to exchange information
on research system operational needs and technology solutions that have
been successful in polar environments. This exchange of knowledge helps
to address issues of design, implementation, and deployment for systems
that are to achieve their operational goals in the polar regions.

Past participants have come from the private sector, state and federal
agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academia. Presentations
typically cover system requirements for proposed research along with
descriptions of systems and approaches that have been proven in polar
deployments. Typical hardware and software topics have included weather
stations, robotics, power systems, telemetry, and remote communications.
Organizers expect to have participants from the National Science
Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs who endorse the concept of
bringing together providers and consumers of these technologies in hopes
of benefiting from that synergy. Informal breaks allow opportunities
for networking and information exchange. Workshops are being planned to
offer tutorial exchanges on specific technologies (e.g. - power systems
or Iridium).

Organizers invite widespread participation. You will have an opportunity
to give a presentation of your work and/or needs or just attend as one
who wishes to learn from the experience of others. Registration and
other information are available at the conference website:

A fee of $75 will be collected at the conference to cover meals and
conference expenses. Organizers request that people please check the
registration site even if they cannot attend, to provide comments
regarding a conference of this type. There is also a list of last year's
participants and the topics that were presented.

For further information and to register, please go to:

Or email:
register [at]

  1. Save the Date
    IPY From Knowledge to Action Conference
    22-27 April 2012
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Government of Canada has announced that the International Polar Year
(IPY) "From Knowledge to Action" Conference will be hosted in Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, from 22-27 April 2012. For more information please see
the full news release available at:

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    CL2.1: Climate of the Polar Regions
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
    2-7 May 2010
    Vienna, Austria

Organizers of Session CL2.1, "Climate of the Polar Regions," announce a
call for abstracts.

This session provides a forum for discussion of the latest results on
the ways in which polar climate is changing under the stress of
increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, and on model simulations of
future change. Papers are welcome on processes in the atmosphere, sea
ice cover, ocean, and land (including ice sheets). Of particular
relevance are results coming from the field programs of the European
Union Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for
Long-term Environmental Studies (DAMOCLES) and Arctic-Subarctic Ocean
Flux (ASOF) projects, which seek to monitor and understand changes in
the Arctic Ocean including its sea ice cover and its interaction with
the adjacent subarctic oceans. Decadal simulations utilizing data from
these and earlier field programs, and from the satellite ICEsat, are of
special climatic interest. In the Antarctic, data analyses and
simulations involving the Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness Project (AnSITP)
and WECCOM will shed light on climatic variability.

Abstract Submission Deadline for all Sessions: Monday, 18 January 2009

To submit an abstract, you will need to create an account at:

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Peter Wadhams
Email: p.wadhams [at]

Steve Piacsek
Email: piacsek [at]

  1. Event Dates Changed
    17th Inuit Studies Conference
    28-30 October 2010
    Val d'Or, Quebec, Canada

The dates for the 17th Inuit Studies Conference, which will be held at
the UQAT First Peoples Pavilion on the Val-d'Or campus in Quebec,
Canada, have been changed. The event is now scheduled for 28-30 October

The University of Quebec in Abitibi-Temiscamingue (UQAT) and DIALOG
(research and knowledge network relating to Aboriginal peoples) will
host conference. The theme of the conference will be "The Inuit and the
Aboriginal World." The intention of this theme is to explore the common
concerns of the Inuit and the other Aboriginal peoples throughout the
world. Organizers propose the following sub-themes:

- The environment;
- Climate change;
- Economic development; and
- Issues connected to languages, cultures, and education.

Proposals for papers must be sent to conference coordinators by email or
postal mail no later than Friday, 22 January 2010. Proposals can be
presented in French or in English. A scientific committee will select
the papers to be presented at the conference. The selections will be
made public in March 2010.

For additional details on proposal submission, please download the
'Reminder - Call for Papers' file available at:

Submission Deadline: Friday, 22 January 2010.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Josee Lacroix
Email: josee.lacroix [at]
Phone: 819-874-8728, ext. 6518
Toll free: 866-891-8728