
Final Reminder: Submit a Presentation Abstract for the
State of the Arctic Conference
16-19 March 2010
Miami, Florida

Extended deadline, oral presentation abstracts: Monday, 11 January 2010
Deadline, poster presentation abstracts: Monday, 1 February 2010

To submit an abstract, please go to:

Abstract deadlines for the State of the Arctic conference:
- Extended deadline, oral presentation abstracts: Monday, 11 January 2010
- Deadline, poster presentation abstracts: Monday, 1 February 2010

There is no fee for abstract submission. To submit an abstract, please
go to: Abstracts on previously published
work are acceptable.

Abstracts focused on social science and human dimensions research are
encouraged to ensure a balanced, multi-disciplinary program.

The State of the Arctic Conference will be held 16-19 March 2010 at the
Hyatt Regency Miami. The conference will be a major milestone for arctic
science by reviewing the current knowledge of the Arctic in a time of
rapid environmental change and exploring future research, resource
management, and policy directions.

Confirmed keynote speakers include:
- Jane Lubchenco, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and
Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator
- Marianne Lykke Thomsen, Greenland Department of Foreign Affairs
and Arctic Council
- Vera Metcalf, Eskimo Walrus Commission
- Robert W. Corell, The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, The
Climate Action Initiative

Additional plenary talks will address four main themes:
1. Advances in Understanding the Arctic System, Including Human
2. Arctic Change;
3. Linkages to the Earth System; and
4. Human Dimensions of Arctic Change.

An international panel will discuss "Intersections Between Science and
Policy in a Changing Arctic." Parallel sessions and poster sessions for
each theme will provide extensive opportunities for the community to
share and discuss research results and network with other researchers,
agency personnel, policy makers, stakeholders, and media. The fourth day
of the conference will focus on international coordination.

The latest program can be found at:

Abstracts are now being accepted for oral parallel sessions and posters.
There are 18 session topics, which have been structured to facilitate
cross-disciplinary exchange and discussion. Each session is designed to
incorporate abstracts from the social, physical, natural, and political
sciences, as well as resource management and agency perspectives.

There is no fee for abstract submission. To submit an abstract, please
go to: Abstracts on previously published
work are acceptable.

The early-bird registration deadline is Sunday, 31 January 2010. To
register for the conference, please go to:

For further information, please go to: Be sure to
check the website regularly for updates and new features.

For questions regarding abstract submission, please contact:
Judy Fahnestock, ARCUS
Email: judy [at]

For questions regarding registration, please email:
soa_registration [at]

For questions about the conference program, please contact:
Helen Wiggins, ARCUS
Email: helen [at]