
Multiple Requests for Input

  1. Request for Medal Nominations
    International Arctic Science Committee

  2. Request for Medal Nominations
    Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

  3. Request for Arctic Collaborators in the Chukchi Sea
    Scripps Whale Acoustics Lab

  1. Request for Medal Nominations
    International Arctic Science Committee

International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Medals are awarded in
recognition of exceptional and sustained contributions to the
understanding of the Arctic. A maximum of one award is made each year,
assuming that there is a nominee of appropriate quality. The award of
medals will normally be by the President of IASC during the Arctic
Science Summit Week (or exceptionally at another major international
meeting) following the ratification of the award.

Nominations can be submitted to the IASC Secretariat at any time. A
medal nomination form is available on the IASC website under 'news.'

For more information please contact:
IASC Secretariat
Phone: +49-331-2882214
Email: iasc [at]

  1. Request for Medal Nominations
    Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) seeks nominations
for SCAR medals for 2010. The SCAR medals are awarded biennially, either
for excellence in Antarctic research or for international scientific

Details on the medals can be obtained by clicking on the 'SCAR Awards
Scheme 2010' link at: A nomination form is
available by clicking on the 'SCAR Medal Nomination Form' link at that
same website.

Nomination Deadline: Thursday, 1 April 2010.

For further information, please go to:

  1. Request for Arctic Collaborators in the Chukchi Sea
    Scripps Whale Acoustics Lab

The Scripps Whale Acoustics Lab currently has three acoustic recorders
deployed north of Barrow, Alaska in the Chukchi Sea, ranging from 80-170
kilometers offshore. In an effort with the Alaska Department of Fish and
Game and the North Slope Borough, Scripps is seeking collaborators
involved in arctic oceanography who would be interested in integrating
additional sensors into any of the mooring packages for the 2010

Passive acoustic monitoring is being used to study marine mammals calls,
underwater ambient noise, and anthropogenic noise. These are yearlong
deployments where each unit spends a substantial amount of time under
sea ice. The instrument configuration is an ocean bottom seafloor frame
with a 10-meter float line. They are typically recovered in August for
servicing, and then redeployed in September every year.

Collecting a diverse range of oceanographic data will promote a broader
ecosystem perspective of the ocean dynamics north of Alaska. Some
desired sensors include an upward-looking sonar that would provide sea
ice thickness measurements, an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
that would produce a record of water current velocities at different
depths, microcats to probe seawater temperature, and benthic camera.

Organizers are open to any ideas and would be happy to assist with any
modifications needed to mount your sensor and logger. Once the
instruments are recovered in 2011, you will be handed your data and can
redeploy the sensors again if you want.

For further information, please contact:
Ethan Roth
Email: ehroth [at]