
Multiple IPY Oslo Science Conference Announcements
Norges Varemesse
Oslo, Norway
8-12 June 2010

Abstract Deadline for all Sessions: Wednesday, 20 January 2010

  1. Theme 6 - Polar Science Education, Outreach, and Communication

  2. PolarTEACHERS Workshop
    6-12 June 2010

  3. Opportunities for Early Career Researchers

  1. Theme 6 - Polar Science Education, Outreach, and Communication

Theme 6 of the International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference
(IPY-OSC) is entitled 'Polar Science Education, Outreach, and
Communication' (EOC). In many ways, the inclusion of a strong EOC focus
in this IPY represented one of the largest recent infusions of new
resources into science education. The sessions of Theme 6 will highlight
the remarkable variety, creativity, engagement, and impact of this
diverse international effort. Theme 6 includes the following sessions:

T6-1: Learning together: The impacts of integrating education, outreach,
and research in IPY
Proposed Focus: Tangible and identifiable impacts from national,
political, organizational, community, and individual perspectives.

T6-2: Incorporating polar science into formal education
Proposed Focus: Examples and successes at primary, secondary, and
tertiary levels.

T6-3: Adventures in the field: Impacts of field programs for students,
teachers, artists, writers, and others
Proposed Focus: Descriptions and assessments of research immersion
and adventure learning programs.

T6-4: Global learning: The impact of the media
Proposed Focus: Analysis and lessons from IPY impact in print, film,
television, radio and web-based technologies.

T6-5: Informal initiatives and polar inspiration: IPY in museums, art,
films, books, and drama
Proposed Focus: Documenting and assessing exhibitions, events
(including polar days/weeks), performances, and polar books from the
viewpoint of IPY and of partner organizations.

T6-6: PolarCINEMA
This session will not receive abstracts. A separate submission of
film material and documentaries will be organized.

Each IPY Science Project is strongly encouraged to highlight their
education and outreach activities in the Theme 6 sessions, while also
highlighting their research activities in the science sessions (Themes 1
to 5). In addition to presentations in papers, conference sessions, and
posters, EOC activities can be shown, screened, demonstrated, or
exhibited in other formats and on other conference arenas. Organizers of
Theme 6 recommend that the sessions should be devoted to presentations
of the scope, objectives, and impact of EOC activities during IPY as
well as discussions about the linkages between polar science and EOC.
Complementary to the submission of an abstract, please consider
contributing to PolarEXPO, PolarCINEMA or PolarFESTIVAL. Further
information on these programs are available at the conference website:

For further information on the sessions of Theme 6, please go to:

Or contact:
Louise Huffman
Email: lhuffman [at]
Phone: 630-460-3688

  1. PolarTEACHERS Workshop
    6-12 June 2010

Applications are being accepted for the PolarTEACHERS Workshop at the
International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference (IPY-OSC) in Oslo,
Norway. The workshop includes participation in the IPY-OSC, and runs
from 6-12 June 2010.

The International Polar Year (IPY), from March 2007 to March 2009, was a
large scientific program focused on the Arctic and Antarctica. IPY
involved thousands of scientists from more than 60 nations in a wide
range of physical, biological, and social research. IPY-OSC 2010 will be
the first major meeting of scientists to share results from IPY
research. Education, outreach, and communication (EOC) has been a
central part of IPY and organizers would like to give teachers and other
educators the opportunity to share their experiences. If you have not
been involved in IPY, but want to use polar issues in your classroom,
you are also welcome to participate.

The introductory section of the teacher conference will take place at
the University of Oslo, 6-7 June 2010. The science conference, which will
be held at the Norges Varemesse conference center, lasts from 8-12 June
2010. Accepted participants are expected to attend both the teacher and
science conferences, and will need to arrive on Saturday, 5 June and
depart no earlier than Friday, 11 June. Teachers will attend the science
conference and meet regularly during the week to share their experiences
and ideas.

The PolarTEACHERS Workshop is open to teachers and educators (including
pre-service teachers) worldwide. To participate in the PolarTEACHERS
conference you need to register and apply. There are two ways to be

  • Present a paper to one of the Theme 6 parallel sessions
    ( in the IPY-OSC 2010
    by submitting an abstract on a project or activity that you were
    involved in during IPY.

  • Write an application describing how you plan to use polar science in
    your classroom.

Deadlines are as follows:

Abstract Submission: Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Acceptance of Abstracts/Applications: Monday, 15 February 2010
Acceptance from Selected Participants: Thursday, 25 February 2010
Registration Deadline for the Conference: Monday, 8 March 2010

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Louise Huffman
Email: lhuffman [at]
Phone: 630-460-3688

  1. Opportunities for Early Career Researchers

IPY-OSC 2010 has set a new precedent for the involvement of early career
scientists and the activities available for young researchers to further
their careers. Activities and support for early career scientists
include an APECS Professional Development workshop, a networking
reception with senior mentors, awards for outstanding young researcher
presentations, stipends, travel fellowships, and much more.

Please visit for more information on the
conference. The deadline for abstracts and travel fellowship
applications is Wednesday, 20 January 2010. Information on the Early
Career Researcher program can be found at:

The application to the APECS workshop, Oslo Stipend, and Travel
Fellowships is tied to the abstract submission system. After you submit
your abstract you will be asked if you want to apply for these things.
Check the box and you will be taken to the application. You are allowed
to go back into the system and edit your application, but to help you
have your answers to the questions ready, you can get a sneak peak of
the application from the APECS Website.

For a complete list of activities for young researchers and tips for
APECS members to help you increase your chances of receiving financial
assistance, log into the APECS website and go to:

For further information, please contact:
Jenny Baeseman
Email: jbaeseman [at]