
IPY Oslo Science Conference
Norges Varemesse
Oslo, Norway
8-12 June 2010

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Asgeir Knudsen
Email: askn [at]

The IPY Oslo Science Conference, which will be convened in Oslo, Norway,
at the Norges Varemesse conference center, is planned for 8-12 June

The International Polar Year 2007-2008 (IPY) was an undertaking in
globally-urgent science that attracted more than 50,000 participants
from 60 countries. The IPY Oslo Science Conference (IPY-OSC) will gather
the full community to celebrate the accomplishments of the IPY, to
display and explore the richness of IPY data, and to chart future
directions for polar and global science.

The conference will consist of over thirty sessions designed around the
following six themes:

Theme 1 - Linkages between polar regions and global systems
Theme 2 - Past, present, and future changes in polar regions
Theme 3 - Polar ecosystems and biodiversity
Theme 4 - Human dimensions of change: Health, society, and resources
Theme 5 - New frontiers, data practices, and directions in
polar research
Theme 6 - Polar science education, outreach, and communication

For further details about the themes and their correlating sessions,
including specific session contacts, please click on the links in the
left sidebar at:

Submission of abstracts will be accepted through Wednesday, 20 January
2010. Abstracts must be submitted to a specific session. To read the
complete call for abstracts, please go to:

Registration for the IPY-OSC will open in mid-December.

For further information on the IPY-OSC, please go to:

Or contact:
Asgeir Knudsen
Email: askn [at]