
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Call for Abstracts
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
    2-7 May 2010
    Vienna, Austria

  2. Call for Abstracts
    3rd Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference
    24-27 March 2010
    Unalaska, Alaska

  3. Save the Date
    2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
    14-16 June 2010
    Reykjavik, Iceland

  1. Call for Abstracts
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010
    2-7 May 2010
    Vienna, Austria

Organizers invite abstract submissions to two periglacial sessions being
convened at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2010.
The meeting is planned for May 2-7 2010 in Vienna, Austria. For more
information on the EGU General Assembly 2010, please go to:

GM7.1 - Periglacial Erosion of Mountains: Integrating Short- and
Long-Term Observations

In recent years, periglacial weathering processes in bedrock landscapes
have received considerable attention as both a major natural hazard in a
warming climate and a control on sediment flux from mountain belts.
Detailed experimental and field observations at annual timescales have
provided fundamental advances in our understanding of the mechanisms
controlling ice growth in rocks. The complex interactions between
lithology, rock temperature, and moisture content control the rate of
periglacial erosion observed in these studies. In contrast, geomorphic
studies suggest that simple metrics, such as mean annual air
temperature, may explain much of the observed distribution of
periglacial deposits. Similarly, periglacial bedrock erosion rates
measured at different timescales can vary by more than an order of
magnitude for the same area.

Organizers invite papers that discuss mechanisms and rates of
periglacial erosion in high mountains measured at a range of temporal
and spatial scales, with a particular interest in integrating
observations from a range of different scales. Such integration will
help us to understand the influence of periglacial processes in the
development of mountain belts.

GM7.3 - Periglacial Landforms, Processes, and Climate

Periglacial processes are fundamentally important to understanding of
the geomorphology of contemporary polar and alpine regions, and the
stratigraphy and palaeoenviroments of past cold regions. This session
seeks to integrate recent advances in field quantification (e.g. ground
based monitoring and remote sensing), laboratory modeling, theoretical
developments and quaternary periglacial and permafrost studies. In
particular, the role of climate in controlling periglacial processes and
the record of past periglacial climates preserved in permafrost
sequences (e.g. the Yedoma of Siberia) will be explored.

Contributions are welcome from geomorphologists, geologists, and climate
scientists or others with interests in all types of periglacial
phenomena. The session is co-sponsored by the Working Group on
Periglacial Landforms, Processes, and Climate of the International
Permafrost Association. This session complements session GM7.1,
"Periglacial Erosion of Mountains: Integrating Short- and Long-Term
Observations," and is of interest to the Natural Hazards section and to
those studying slope processes.

Submission Deadline for all EGU abstracts: Monday, 18 January 2010.

For further information, please click the appropriate session link at:

Or contact:
Julian Murton
Email: J.B.Murton [at]

  1. Call for Abstracts
    3rd Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference
    24-27 March 2010
    Unalaska, Alaska

Organizers announce a call for abstracts for the 3rd Western Alaska
Interdisciplinary Science Conference (WAISC). The meeting, entitled
"Linking communities and building bridges," will be convened 24-27 March
2010 in Unalaska, Alaska. More information on the WAISC meeting can be
found at:

The conference will highlight regional scientific efforts and
traditional knowledge that provide an interdisciplinary approach to
scientific inquiry and resource management. In addition to scientific
sessions, the conference will include several workshops addressing
topics relevant to life in rural western Alaska. Organizers welcome
submissions from all individuals and organizations collecting data in
western Alaska. Scientific session and workshop topics include:

- Fisheries
- Alternative energy
- Recycling in small rural communities
- Water issues
- Climate change
- Subsistence and traditional ecological knowledge
- Environmental science
- Ecology and wildlife

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations or workshops should be
submitted before 1 February 2010. Abstracts should be single-spaced and
no more than 500 words for oral or poster presentations (15 minute
limit) and 1000 words for workshops (1 hour 30 minute limit).

Abstracts for oral or poster presentations should include:

- Author name, title, and institutional affiliation;
- Presentation title; and
- Research question, methods, data, and results.

Abstracts for workshops should include:

- Name of workshop leader and team members, their titles, and
institutional affiliations;
- Workshop title; and
- A description of workshop activities, materials provided by the
workshop team, other materials needed, and the anticipated length of
the workshop.

Abstracts should be submitted as either a Word or PDF attachment to Reid
Brewer at: brewer [at] Notifications of proposal acceptance will
be sent by 15 February 2010. If a proposal is accepted, the presenter
must register for the conference in order to participate.

Limited travel funding for presenters from rural Alaska is available.
Please contact Todd Radenbaugh (taradenbaugh [at], 907-842-5109).

Submission Deadline: 1 February 2010.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Reid Brewer
Email: brewer [at]
Phone: 907-581-4589

  1. Save the Date
    2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
    14-16 June 2010
    Reykjavik, Iceland

Organizers announce that the 2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and
Signal Processing - Evolution in Remote Sensing - (WHISPERS 2010) will
be held in Reykjavik, Iceland 14-16 June 2010. The meeting is organized
by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS).

Whispers 2010 is intended for all researchers working with hyperspectral
data, from physical modeling, sensor acquisition, and calibration to
data processing and applications.

Additional details will be posted online as they become available.

For further information, please go to:

Or email:
info [at]