
Multiple Position Appointments - National Science Foundation

  1. New Deputy Division Director of the Division
    of Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics
    National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs

  2. New Program Director for Antarctic Earth Sciences
    National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs

  1. New Deputy Division Director of the Division
    of Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics
    National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs

Brian Stone has been appointed to the Career Senior Executive Service of
the U.S. Government as Deputy Division Director of the Division of
Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics (AIL) within the National Science
Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs (OPP). He joins the corps of
about 6000 Career Senior Executives who provide the major link between
presidential appointees and the rest of the federal work force.

Stone has worked at NSF for more than nine years, serving as Research
Support Manager and Deputy Section Head for the Polar Research Support
Section in OPP, and most recently, as the interim Division Director for
AIL. Prior to his service at NSF he worked for the U.S. Antarctic
Program support contractor in a variety of capacities both in Antarctica
and also in New Zealand. He brings with him 18 years of experience in
polar operations, logistics, and research support. Stone received a BA
degree from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina and an MBA degree
from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Brian Stone
Email: bstone [at]
Phone: 703-292-8030

  1. New Program Director for Antarctic Earth Sciences
    National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs

Alexandra Isern has been appointed as the new Program Director for
Antarctic Earth Sciences in the Division of Antarctic Sciences of the
National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs (OPP).

Isern brings broad experience in teaching, research, science policy, and
research management to the program. She has a research background in
sedimentology, paleoceanography, geochemistry, and sediment geophysical
properties, which was enabled in large part by the Ocean Drilling
Program. Isern has extensive experience at NSF, having served in the
Division of Ocean Sciences where she was involved in a number of
programs as well as the Ocean Observatories Initiative. For the past two
years Isern has been a Research Support Manager in the OPP Division of
Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics. Prior to coming to NSF, Isern
taught for several years at the University of Sydney and served as a
Program Officer for the Ocean Studies Board and the Board on Atmospheric
Sciences and Climate at the National Research Council. She received her
BSc in Geology from the University of Florida, her MSc in Oceanography
from the University of Rhode Island, and her PhD in Geology from the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland.

Isern takes up her new duties effective Monday, 26 October 2009, but
will continue to work with colleagues in the Division of Antarctic
Infrastructure and Logistics so as to avoid interruptions in research
support duties associated with her prior position.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Alexandra Isern
Email: aisern [at]
Phone: 703-292-7581