
Funding Opportunity
Shared Beringian Heritage Program
National Park Service

Application Deadline: Friday, 13 November 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Katerina Wessels
Email: Katerina_Wessels [at]

The National Park Service (NPS) seeks applications for projects
conducted under the Shared Beringian Heritage Program.

The Shared Beringian Heritage is an international program that unites
American and Russian Natives, scientists, land managers,
conservationists, and other interested parties in promoting the
protection, understanding, and enjoyment of the common heritage of the
Beringia region of northwestern Alaska and eastern Chukotka. Projects
funded under this program may be either scientific research projects or
local, community-based educational, cultural, or conservation projects
that fulfill some or all of the goals of the Beringia program.
Scientific research proposals are expected to contain sufficient detail
for technical review by subject matter specialists.

Proposals will be accepted for projects that cover a period of one, two,
or three years. If the request is for two or three years, the budget
must be detailed for the first year and estimated for the subsequent
year(s). The NPS and the Beringia Panel will review the progress of the
project at the end of each fiscal year to approve subsequent funding.
Approximately $250,000 is available for this funding cycle. The ideal
range of requested funds for a project is $20-40,000. No projects will
be considered that request more than $50,000 annually from NPS.
Organizations that have smaller projects in the $5-20,000 range are
encouraged to apply.

The deadline for application is Friday, 13 November 2009.

Further information is available at:
The full project application guidelines, which detail the proposal
criteria and submission process, can be downloaded by clicking on the
link at the end of the first paragraph.

For more information, please contact:
Katerina Wessels
Email: Katerina_Wessels [at]