
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Call for Abstracts - Land, Ocean, and Atmosphere in a Changing Arctic
    Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
    14-18 April 2010
    Washington, D.C.

  2. Workshop Announcement - 40th Annual International Arctic Workshop
    10-12 March 2010
    Winter Park Mountain Lodge, Colorado

  1. Call for Abstracts - Land, Ocean, and Atmosphere in a Changing Arctic
    Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
    14-18 April 2010
    Washington, D.C.

Organizers of a session entitled "Land, Ocean, and Atmosphere in a
Changing Arctic" announce a call for abstracts. The session will be
convened at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, 14-18 April 2010 in Washington, D.C.

Recently observed climate warming has affected cryospheric, biological,
climatologic, oceanographic, terrestrial, and hydrologic systems
throughout the Arctic. Because these systems are interdependent, the
impacts of high-latitude climate change are both wide-ranging and
difficult to compartmentalize. For example, changes in permafrost
dynamics and atmospheric moisture transport influence the timing and
magnitude of river runoff, which in turn influences the seasonality and
concentration of freshwater and nutrients in the Arctic Ocean. The
effects of climate change in the Arctic are present at all geographic
scales, ranging from pan-arctic atmospheric circulation to plot-scale
changes in vegetation and land surface conditions.

This session aims to highlight recent advances in the understanding of
how arctic terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric systems are changing in
response to enhanced anthropogenic forcing and other climatic
influences. Perhaps more importantly, the session aims to provide a
forum in which connections and feedbacks among multiple high-latitude
systems can be explored.

To submit an abstract, you must first register for the meeting at: After
registering, you can click on 'Submit an Abstract' and complete the
process as outlined. You will receive a personal identification number
(PIN). Please send that PIN and a copy of the abstract to Asa Rennermalm
(arennerm [at] or Tamlin Pavelsky (pavelsky [at]

Abstract Deadline: Wednesday, 28 October 2009.

For further information, please contact:
Asa Rennermalm
Email: arennerm [at]

Tamlin Pavelsky
Email: pavelsky [at]

  1. Workshop Announcement - 40th Annual International Arctic Workshop
    10-12 March 2010
    Winter Park Mountain Lodge, Colorado

The 40th Annual International Arctic Workshop will be held 10-12 March
2010, at the Winter Park Mountain Lodge, Colorado. It is hosted by the
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of
Colorado at Boulder.

The meeting is open to all interested in the Arctic and will consist of
a series of talks and poster sessions covering all aspects of
high-latitude environments, past and present. Previous Arctic Workshops
have included presentations on arctic and Antarctic climate, archeology,
environmental geochemistry, geomorphology, hydrology, glaciology, soils,
ecology, oceanography, and Quaternary history.

This workshop has grown out of a series of informal annual meetings
sponsored by INSTAAR and other academic institutions worldwide. In
keeping with this tradition, there are no formalized topics and the
workshop is organized around themes developed from the abstracts
submitted for presentation. However, organizers can accommodate specific
themes and arrange small group meetings. Please identify any special
topics or needs by e-mailing ArcticWS [at]

Student participation is a vital component of the workshop. With support
from the National Science Foundation, a limited number of students
giving a talk or poster will receive financial assistance, including
registration and hotel support.

Registration and abstract submission will open by December 2009, and
close in February 2010. Updates will be posted as available at:

For further information, please email:
ArcticWS [at]