
Multiple Event Announcements

  1. International Arctic Research Center Public Lecture
    Wednesday, 7 October 2009
    Fairbanks, Alaska

  2. International Glaciological Conference on Ice and Climate Change:
    A View from the South
    1-3 February 2009
    Valdivia, Chile

  1. International Arctic Research Consortium Public Lecture
    Wednesday, 7 October 2009
    Fairbanks, Alaska

The International Arctic Research Center (IARC) will hold a public
lecture on Wednesday, 7 October 2009. The lecture, entitled
"Sustainability in a changing Arctic: forces for change and
sustainability options," is being held as part of the October Polar

Human activities are altering many factors that determine the
fundamental properties of ecological and social systems. Is
sustainability a feasible goal in a world in which these controls are
changing with a directional trend over time? This is a global problem,
but Alaska is a particularly appropriate place to address this question
because of rapid climate warming. This talk addresses the changes in
environment and ecosystems that are occurring in Alaska and the impacts
they are having on the rural communities of Alaska.

The lecture will be given by F. Stuart (Terry) Chapin, starting at 7
p.m. AKDT. It will be held in room 401 of the Akasofu Building on the
University of Alaska Fairbanks campus in Fairbanks, Alaska.

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is working in
cooperation with the International Polar Year program office to take a
leading role in the October Polar Week by asking member and student
institutions worldwide to have at least one public lecture on some
aspect of polar research during 4-9 October. This event is sponsored by
APECS, IARC, and University of Alaska International Polar Year (UA IPY).

For further information, please contact:
Tohru Saito
Email: saito [at]

  1. International Glaciological Conference on Ice and Climate Change:
    A View from the South
    1-3 February 2009
    Valdivia, Chile

Organizers announce the International Glaciological Conference on Ice
and Climate Change: A View from the South (VICC 2010), scheduled for 1-3
February 2010. It will be convened at the Centro de Estudios Cientificos
(CECS) in Valdivia, Chile.

The conference will include new results and discuss ongoing cryospheric
and climate changes, principally in the Southern Hemisphere, and their
impacts and consequences on society and the environment. Although the
main focus will be glaciology and climatology, organizers hope to foster
interdisciplinary discourse about climate change through the
contribution of other disciplines in earth sciences and social sciences.
In addition, several invited papers will discuss similarities and
contrasts with cryospheric and climate changes in the Northern
Hemisphere, and contributed papers in those areas are also solicited.

The deadline for submission of papers is Friday, 23 October 2009.
Acceptances will be notified by Monday, 30 November 2009.

A number of invited papers will address the following topics, and
attendees are invited to contribute:

- Ongoing cryospheric changes and related impacts in the Southern
Hemisphere, including glaciers, ice sheets, ice shelves, permafrost,
sea ice, snow cover, and freshwater ice.
- Climate of the Southern Hemisphere: variability vs. trends.
- Remote sensing and geophysical techniques for cryospheric studies.
- Modeling of cryospheric processes and data assimilation.
- Similarities and contrasts with cryospheric and climate changes in
the Northern Hemisphere.
- Detection and attribution of cryospheric processes.
- Societal impacts, risk management, economic impacts, adaptation,
mitigation, and management policies.

The submission deadline is Friday, 23 October 2009.

The registration deadline for the conference is 18 December 2009.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Claudia Flores
Email: vicc2010 [at]