
Multiple Fellowship Opportunities Available

In this announcement:
1. USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program
Call for Applications
2. Graduate Student Fellowships - Canada's Role in the Circumpolar World
Call for Proposals

  1. USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program
    Call for Applications

The US Geological Survey (USGS) Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research
Fellowship Program is currently accepting applications for fiscal year

The Mendenhall Program provides an opportunity for postdoctoral fellows
to conduct concentrated research in association with selected members of
the USGS professional staff, often as a final element to their formal
career preparation. The program is also intended to provide research
experiences that enhance personal scientific stature and credentials.
Mendenhall Fellows are appointed to the USGS for two years and receive
full salary and benefits at the GS-12 level, adjusted for the
cost-of-living at the geographic area of the assignment.

In order to be considered for this opportunity, applicants must meet
specific qualifications which are outlined at:

There are over sixty different fellowship opportunities available. Many
of the projects have specific relevance to the arctic community. These
include, but are not limited to:

For the complete list of fellowship opportunities, including links to
their descriptions, please go to:

For further information on the Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research
Fellowship Program, please go to:

Or contact:
Rama K. Kotra
Email: rkotra [at]

Kimberly B. Reed
Email: kbreed [at]

  1. Graduate Student Fellowships - Canada's Role in the Circumpolar World
    Call for Proposals

The Northern Governance Thematic Network of the University of the
Arctic, with support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade Canada, is pleased to announce ten available
fellowships for Graduate Students, valued at $5000 each.

The objectives of the fellowship are to:
- Foster innovative research and policy development on a range of
issues related to Canada in the circumpolar world;
- Encourage and promote research of circumpolar studies by Canadian
graduate students; and
- Encourage research in the field of the circumpolar world in the
interest of higher education, scholarship, and an informed public

Research papers will focus on one of the following two areas:

  1. The Arctic Council as a mechanism to advance Canada's foreign policy
    objectives, including:

    • To deepen the exchange of best practices and explore a more robust
      discussion on policy issues and coordination;
    • To increase the outreach and advocacy role of the of the Arctic
      Council; and
    • To identify key emerging issues regarding sustainable development
      and environmental protection facing the Arctic requiring further
  2. Canada in the circumpolar world:

    • Future political trends and challenges facing the region;
    • How arctic states can best manage emerging issues in the region
      bilaterally and/or multilaterally (e.g., pollution/environment,
      emergency response, search and rescue);
    • Opportunities for Canada to take a leadership role (e.g.,
      conservation and sustainable use of the arctic marine and coastal

To qualify, the applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of
Canada, actively pursuing a graduate degree (Master's, PhD, or
equivalent) in circumpolar and/or northern research, and in good
academic standing. The application package must include a completed
application form, a one-page paper proposal/abstract, and a letter of
appraisal from a supervisor. Application materials can be submitted
electronically to Greg Poelzer (greg.poelzer [at] or mailed in
hardcopy to:

Greg Poelzer
International Centre for Governance and Development
9 Campus Drive, Room 280.1 Arts
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5

Application Deadline: Sunday, 1 November 2009.
Successful applicants will be notified by 1 December 2009.

For further information, or to obtain an application, please go to:

Or contact:
Greg Poelzer
Email: greg.poelzer [at]