
Multiple Meeting Announcements

In this announcement:
1. Second Call for Abstracts: Arctic Frontiers 2010
27-29 January 2010
Tromso, Norway
2. Marine Biodiversity Under Change Workshop
24 January - 3 February 2010
Tromso, Norway

  1. Second Call for Abstracts: Arctic Frontiers 2010
    27-29 January 2010
    Tromso, Norway

Organizers of the Arctic Frontiers 2010 conference announce the second
call for abstracts. The conference will be held in Tromso, Norway, 24-29
January 2010. The conference program has been altered to divide into
four parallel sessions (instead of three) that will focus on the latest
research results of climate change effects on sea-ice, marine
biodiversity, social science, health research, economy, education,
self-governance, and well-being in arctic communities.

Conference organizers invite abstract submission for oral and poster
presentations in the following topics:

- Session I: Ice and climate, including paleo climate;
- Session II: Sustainable communities in the High North;
- Session III: Marine biodiversity under change; and
- Session IV: Frontiers in eLearning of the High North.

For full details and instructions on submitting an abstract, please
visit the Arctic Frontiers homepage:

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, 19 October 2009.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Arntraut Gotsch
Email: arntraut.gotsch [at]

  1. Marine Biodiversity Under Change Workshop
    24 January - 3 February 2010
    Tromso, Norway

The Young Scientist Forum and the Arctic Marine Ecosystem Research
Network (ARCTOS) PhD School announce an international workshop entitled
"Marine Biodiversity Under Change." The workshop is intended for PhD
students interested in the pan-arctic region.

The workshop will be convened 24 January - 3 February 2010 in Tromso,
Norway, and will run parallel to the Arctic Frontiers 2010 Conference.
It is an approved PhD level course (BIO-8512 - 2 ECTS) at the University
of Tromso, and consists of the Arctic Frontiers Conference plus an
intensive five-day seminar.

Students will participate in discussion groups on subjects related to
"Marine Biodiversity Under Change." Senior scientists from the ARCTOS
PhD School and invited speakers from the conference will be present to
ensure a good dialogue. Workshop participants must give a presentation,
either oral or poster, under "Session III: Marine biodiversity under
change" at the Arctic Frontiers 2010 Conference, and follow both the
politics and the science presented at the conference, in addition to
participating in the five-day seminar. The evaluation will involve
PowerPoint presentations of the student work at the end of the workshop.

ARCTOS can offer travel grants for up to 15 PhD students and
postdoctoral fellows. The grant will cover airfare and accommodation,
including breakfast. For further details on the travel guidelines,
please go to:

To apply for the PhD workshop and travel grants, please send a statement
to Matias Langgaard Madsen (matias.madsen [at], including:

- Research interests;
- Title and abstract of poster or oral presentation; and
- Travel budget.

Applicants should also indicate whether or not they will register for
the course, BIO-8512; priority will be given to those who do. The
deadline to apply for the PhD workshop and travel grants is Saturday, 10
October 2009.

Please note: All students must sign up for a poster or oral presentation
under "Session III: Marine biodiversity under change" at the Arctic
Frontiers 2010 Conference. More information about abstract submission is
available at: The abstract submission
deadline is Monday, 19 October 2009. Registration for the conference
(available soon, at: is also required.
The conference fee for workshop participants is 1500 Norwegian kroner
(approximately 260 USD).

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Matias Langgaard Madsen
Email: matias.madsen [at]