
Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Climate Change Impacts On the Bering Sea and Related Polar Seas:
From Observation to Prediction
American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting
22-26 February 2010
Portland, Oregon

Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, 15 October 2009

For further information, please contact:
Rodger Harvey
Email: harvey [at]

Michael F. Sigler
Email: mike.sigler [at]

The Bering Ecosystem Study - Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research
Program (BEST-BSIERP) Science Advisory Board and program managers
announce a call for abstracts for Special Session IT19, "Climate Change
Impacts On the Bering Sea and Related Polar Seas: From Observation to
Prediction." The session will be convened at the American Geophysical
Union (AGU) Ocean Sciences Meeting, 22-26 February 2010, in Portland,

The Bering Sea and related polar oceans have experienced recent changes
in ice and climate, ocean dynamics, biotic community structure and
ecosystem function. Several large programs have been initiated to
provide the fundamental observations and information needed for
vertically-integrated syntheses of climate-mediated oceanographic
drivers and trophic interactions in polar marginal seas. Collaborating
modelers are using these observational data to model and predict the
impacts of changing seasonal ice cover on ecosystem dynamics, commercial
fisheries, and subsistence harvest. This session will provide a forum to
discuss recent field observations gained from ongoing programs, the
application of these data to prognostic models, and their linkages to
other polar oceans in pursuit of improved stewardship of marine
resources in the 21st century.

The abstract submission deadline for this and all other sessions is
Thursday, 15 October 2009, at 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time. To submit
an abstract, you must enter the first author's current AGU member ID and
password at:

For more information about the BEST-BSIERP program, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Rodger Harvey
Email: harvey [at]

Michael F. Sigler
Email: mike.sigler [at]