
Workshop Announcement
Northern Contaminants Program Results
29-30 September 2009
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Manon Bedard
Email: Manon.Bedard [at]
Phone: 819-994-7451

Layla Bartole
Email: Layla.Bartole [at]
Phone: 819-994-7455

The 17th Annual Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) Results Workshop
will be convened Tuesday-Wednesday, 29-30 September 2009 at the Crowne
Plaza Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

The aim of the NCP Results Workshop is to evaluate the state of
knowledge and the status of work conducted under the NCP for the year
2008-2009. Presentations, posters, and panel discussions will revolve
around contaminant-related themes and will focus on reviewing and
revising the NCP Blueprints. The workshop will also provide an excellent
opportunity to develop NCP proposal ideas prior to the NCP Call for
Proposals in November 2009. It will encourage program participants to
network, discuss their results, and co-ordinate future work.

The workshop is open to anyone interested in attending, and all
attendees are invited to present a poster. To register for the workshop,
please complete the form at:

For further information, please go to:

For workshop logistic questions, contact:
Manon Bedard
Email: Manon.Bedard [at]
Phone: 819-994-7451

Layla Bartole
Email: Layla.Bartole [at]
Phone: 819-994-7455

For workshop program questions, contact:
Simon Smith
Email: Simon.Smith [at]
Phone: 819 997-9448

James Edwards
Email: James.Edwards [at]
Phone: 819 934-9524

Jason Stow
Email: Jason.Stow [at]
Phone: 204 774-6476