
Workshop Announcement
Arctic in Rapid Transition Initiation Workshop
International Arctic Research Center
Fairbanks, Alaska
7-9 November 2009

Application deadline: Sunday, 20 September 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Carolyn Wegner
Email: cwegner [at]

The International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP) II
Marine Roundtable and the International Arctic Research Center (IARC),
are organizing a workshop to start the Arctic In Rapid Transition (ART)
Initiative. The ART Initiation Workshop will be held at IARC, located at
the University of Fairbanks Alaska (UAF), 7-9 November 2009.

The ART Initiative is a proposed integrative, multi-disciplinary,
long-term, pan-arctic program to study changes and feedbacks with
respect to physical characteristics and biogeochemical cycles of the
Arctic Ocean and its biological productive capacity. ART will focus on
integrating data on past and present transitional states of the Arctic
Ocean that can be used synergistically with ongoing monitoring,
observing, and modeling efforts, to better assess future changes. The
ART White Paper, developed by early career scientists, aims to compile
scientific expertise across disciplines, national borders, and career
stages to identify and formulate future key questions for integrated
research on Arctic Ocean system studies.

The ultimate goal of the ART Initiation Workshop is to develop a full
science and implementation plan based upon the ART White Paper to
further the goals of ART. Several expert speakers from various
disciplines (e.g., oceanography, sea ice, geology/paleoceanography,
biology, meteorology, and geochemistry) will discuss with participants
the key scientific questions outlined within the ART proposal and,
during a field trip, the participants will be able to experience the
Arctic in rapid transition. The workshop will then break into working
groups centered on the identified three main components of ART: sea ice
variability, land-ocean transport processes, and ecosystem responses.
These groups will discuss the key scientific questions within each
field, present them to the workshop as a whole, and help to develop a
science plan for addressing them. The final goal of the workshop will be
to integrate the proposals and develop the overall ART science plan,
with the guidance of a marine roundtable panel of experts.

Funding to attend the workshop is available to early career scientists.
For more funding information, please go to:

The ART Initiation workshop is endorsed and sponsored by the
International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Science Steering Committee
(SSC) "Marine System," the former Arctic Ocean Science Board (AOSB).

The application deadline is Sunday, 20 September 2009. To submit your
application, please go to:

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Carolyn Wegner
Email: cwegner [at]