
Workshop Announcement
Arctic Marine Sciences Workshop for Early Career Scientists
United Kingdom Polar Network
12-13 October 2009
Plymouth, United Kingdom

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, 15 September 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Claudia Halsband-Lenk
Email: clau1 [at]

Angelika Renner
Email: angelika.renner [at]

The United Kingdom Polar Network (UKPN), the British branch of the
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), announces the
second in their series of workshops for early career scientists and
researchers. Entitled "Arctic Marine Sciences Workshop," it will be
convened 12-13 October 2009 at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in
Plymouth, United Kingdom.

The workshop will focus on arctic marine sciences and is aimed at young
researchers in various career stages, from undergraduate to early
faculty. Confirmed mentors include Stephen de Mora, Plymouth Marine
Laboratory; Cynan Ellis-Evans, Arctic Office; Finlo Cottier, Scottish
Association of Marine Science; and Warwick Vincent, Laval University.
Other scientific sessions are being planned, and participants will also
be given the opportunity to work with experts in organizing outreach
activities, interacting with the media, and communicating science to
school children and the general public.

The goals of the workshop are to:
- Encourage discussion of interdisciplinary research and
exchange of ideas;
- Help initiate new collaborations;
- Promote arctic marine science and increase participants'
scientific knowledge;
- Discuss the future of British Arctic Science; and
- Provide career advice in polar marine science.

Registration for the workshop is free and includes lunch refreshments, a
networking cruise to Plymouth Sound, and a reception at Plymouth Marine
Laboratory. Early career scientists from all countries are eligible to
apply, and limited travel funds are available. To register and express
your interest in the workshop, please complete the online form at:

The registration deadline is Tuesday, 15 September 2009.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Claudia Halsband-Lenk
Email: clau1 [at]

Angelika Renner
Email: angelika.renner [at]