
Conference Announcement and Call for Student Participants
Environments, Movements, Narratives in the Circumpolar North
28-31 October 2009
Rovaniemi, Finland

Application Deadline: 14 September 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Karl Mertens
karlmertens [at]

Organizers of a conference entitled "Environments, Movements, Narratives
in the Circumpolar North," announce a call for student participants. The
conference will be held 28-31 October 2009 in Rovaniemi, Finland, at the
Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland.

Students from the circumpolar north, and those interested in northern
humanities and social sciences, are invited to apply for funding.
Travel, meals, and lodging will be covered by a grant from the National
Science Foundation (NSF).

Applicants must submit the following:
- Cover letter, including an introduction and contact information;
- One-page essay describing how participation in the conference will
further the applicant's academic and career goals in arctic
humanities and science;
- CV or resume; and
- Short letter of recommendation from a professor or other
professional with whom the applicant has worked closely.

All materials must be submitted no later than 14 September 2009.

To apply, or for further information, please contact:
Karl Mertens
Boise State University - Department of Anthropology
1910 University Drive
HWSC, Room 55
Boise, ID 83725-1950
Fax: (208) 426-4329
Email: karlmertens [at]