
Biologist Position Available
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Fairbanks Fish and Wildlife Field Office
Fairbanks, Alaska

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 26 August 2009

For more information, search for 'Fairbanks Biologist' at:

Or contact:
Ted Swem
Phone: 907-456-0441

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) seeks a biologist to work in
the Fairbanks Fish and Wildlife Field Office in Fairbanks, Alaska. The
successful applicant will work within the Endangered Species Program,
contributing to the conservation of Steller's and spectacled eiders and
polar bears.

Specific duties include:
- Conducting section 7 consultations on federally funded or
permitted projects that may affect listed eiders or polar bears;
- Ensuring deadlines for submission of Endangered Species Act of
1973 (ESA) documents are met and that conclusions are based on the
best available scientific data;
- Assisting federal, state, and local agencies, native organizations
and villages, and private entities with resource planning and
development projects in order to avoid adverse effects on listed,
proposed, and candidate species;
- Acting as technical advisor to other Field Office staff on the
habitat needs of rare, candidate, proposed, and federally listed
species; and
- Implementing candidate conservation, listing, and recovery

The application deadline is Wednesday, 26 August 2009. Applicants must
submit a CV, transcripts, and other documents at:

For more information, including required qualifications and how to
apply, please search for 'Fairbanks Biologist' at:

Or contact:
Ted Swem
Phone: 907-456-0441