
Deadline Extension
Call for Pre-proposals
Marine Mammal Commission
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Extended Pre-proposal Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 19 August 2009

For further information, please click on the "Marine Mammal Commission
Fund" link at:

Or contact:
Stephanie Pendergrass
Email: Stephanie.pendergrass [at]
Phone: 202-857-0166

Bob Gisiner
Email: bgisiner [at]
Phone: 301-504-0087

The deadline for pre-proposals to the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation (NFWF) and the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission (MMC) has been
extended. The new deadline is Wednesday, 19 August 2009.

Grant funding is available in the following five research and
conservation areas:
- Marine Mammals and Climate Change in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea
- Calibration of New Methods for Surveying Marine Mammals
- Alternative Observer Coverage for Marine Mammal Species at High
Risk from Fishery Interactions
- Building Capacity for Marine Mammal Research and Conservation in
the Caribbean Region
- Assessment and Conservation of Sirenians

Applicants should select one - and only one - topic for each proposal.
Funding is provided by the MMC. All persons, organizations, and agencies
are eligible to apply, including parties within and outside the United
States. Applications for funding of land or easement acquisition,
political advocacy, lobbying, or litigation will not be considered.

The Marine Mammal Commission Fund supports projects to identify, study,
develop, and promote the implementation of more effective protection and
conservation measures for marine mammals.

For further information, including submission guidelines, please click
on the "Marine Mammal Commission Fund" link at:
Please note that matching funds are not required for this opportunity
with the MMC. Enter the number zero (0) in the field for 'Matching
Amount' and you will be able to complete your pre-proposal submission.

The extended pre-proposal submission deadline is Wednesday, 19 August 2009.

For further information, please click on the "Marine Mammal Commission
Fund" link at:

Or contact:
Stephanie Pendergrass
Email: Stephanie.pendergrass [at]
Phone: 202-857-0166

Bob Gisiner
Email: bgisiner [at]
Phone: 301-504-0087