
Updated Website Available
Sound Predictions 2009 and Field Team Blog
Alaska Ocean Observing System
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

To view the website, please go to:

To view the field team blog, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Darcy Dugan
Email: dugan [at]

"Sound Predictions 2009," a field experiment in Prince William Sound,
Alaska, announces an updated website and a field team blog. Sound
Predictions 2009 is currently using radar, drifters, gliders, and boat
surveys to test a suite of models for winds, waves, weather, and ocean
circulation in Prince William Sound, Alaska.

The Sound Predictions 2009 team seeks to answer a series of questions:
- How well can models predict atmospheric and oceanic water
properties, wave conditions, and circulation patterns in different
areas of the Sound?
- Has the circulation model forecast skill for the central basin
improved from those in 2004?
- What are the costs and benefits of the Alaska Ocean Observing
System (AOOS) for oil spill trajectory modeling?

AOOS is the umbrella regional association for three Alaska regional
observing networks (Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, and
Arctic) being developed as part of the national Integrated Ocean
Observation System (IOOS) under the National Ocean Planning Partnership
(NOPP). Their mission is to improve the ability to rapidly detect
changes in marine ecosystems and living resources, and predict future
changes and their consequences for the public good.

The Sound Predictions 2009 project is sponsored by AOOS and the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory

To view the website, please go to:

To view the field team blog, for real time updates, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Darcy Dugan
Email: dugan [at]