
Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Ways of Knowing: Traditional Knowledge as Key Insight for
Dealing with Environmental Change
American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
17-21 January 2010
Atlanta, Georgia

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, 3 August 2009

For further information, please go to:

Before submitting an abstract, please contact:
Randy Peppler
Email: rpeppler [at]

Heather Lazrus
Email: lazrus [at]

Organizers of the session "Ways of Knowing: Traditional Knowledge as Key
Insight for Dealing with Environmental Change," to be convened at the
American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, announce a call
for abstracts. The meeting will be held 17-21 January 2010 in Atlanta,

This session will explore the role of 'non-scientific' knowledge as
insight needed to deal with environmental changes. The session builds
upon an American Meteorological Society Town Hall Meeting in 2009 titled
"Climate Change, Indigenous Communities in the United States, and AMS:
Needs and Opportunities."

The shifting patterns of weather, plant life, and animal life associated
with climate change have already had enormous impact and adaptive burden
on native peoples. All forms of knowledge - not just recent advances in
weather and climate science - may be useful in helping to conceptualize
and understand changing environmental conditions and the resulting human

Session organizers seek to initiate engagement on this topic within the
meteorological community, and invite scholars from all disciplines
working with native peoples on weather, climate, and environmental
issues to present on their research. Papers on any aspect of this topic
are welcome, with priority given to scholarship on place-based knowledge
and narratives.

If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please contact Randy
Peppler (rpeppler [at] and Heather Lazrus (lazrus [at] with your

Abstracts should then be submitted electronically
( by Monday, 3 August 2009.
Click on the link that says "Fifth Symposium on Policy and
Socio-economic Research"; after the page loads, select the topic called
"Policy and Socio-economic Research Methods and their Applications" and
follow the directions.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, 3 August 2009

For further information, please go to:

Before submitting an abstract, please contact:
Randy Peppler
Email: rpeppler [at]

Heather Lazrus
Email: lazrus [at]