
Principal Investigator Position Available
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
West Boothbay Harbor, Maine

Review of Applications Will Begin: Tuesday, 15 September 2009

For more information please go to:

Or contact:
Jane Gardner
Phone: 207-633-9600
Email: jgardner [at]

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences invites applications for a
Principal Investigator (PI) in any of the three following areas:
- Ocean observing (e.g., sensing of optical, acoustical, chemical,
biogeochemical or molecular properties from a variety of platforms
such as satellites, buoys, or autonomous vehicles);
- Ocean acidification (e.g., carbon/carbonate chemistry, algal,
microbial or molecular impacts); and
- Biogeochemical/ecosystem modeling (e.g., coupled
biogeochemistry/GCM models, ecosystem/mass balance models, or
trophodynamic models).

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is primarily a soft money
institution with the expectation that the PI generates 9 months of
support per year through research grants. The PI is responsible
primarily for basic research with a minimum of administrative duties.
Opportunities exist for acquiring added salary coverage through
educational activities. Salary and start-up packages are negotiable.
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences provides a generous benefits
package including family medical and dental and a pension/403c
retirement plan. Applicants should consult the laboratory's recently
updated strategic plan, available at:

To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae including contact
information, a description of research interests, and the names and
contact information of three references to:
Chair - PI Search Committee
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
PO Box 475
West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575

Alternatively, materials can be emailed to Jane Gardner
(jgardner [at] Please reference #SRS10-1 in the subject line.
All applications will be acknowledged upon receipt.

Review of applications will begin: Tuesday, 15 September 2009.

For more information please go to:

Or contact:
Jane Gardner
Phone: 207-633-9600
Email: jgardner [at]