
New Book Available
Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers, and Prospects for Canada's North
The Art of the State, Volume IV
Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP)

For further information, please click on the link to "Northern Exposure:
Peoples, Powers, and Prospects for Canada's North" at:

The Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) has released the
fourth volume in the series The Art of the State. "Northern Exposure:
Peoples, Powers, and Prospects in Canada's North" is a multidisciplinary
edited volume that explores how the dramatic changes in the north will
affect the social, economic, and political future of northerners.

Contents include:
- Sovereignty, environmental change, and science;
- Aboriginal and public governance;
- Economic development;
- Education and human capital;
- Voices of the new generation; and
- Looking forward: Northern policy in Canada.

The North is an increasingly important focal point of public policy as
melting polar ice transforms the Arctic into the epicenter of new global
economic and geopolitical interests. "Northern Exposure" stems from a
symposium held 25-27 October 2007, in Montebello, Quebec.

For further information about the book or the symposium, please click on
the link to "Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers, and Prospects for
Canada's North" at: