
Newsletter Now Available
SCAR Newsletter: Issue 19, June 2009
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

To view the newsletter, please go to:

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) announces the
availability of Issue 19 of the SCAR Newsletter. The newsletter is
available at:

Newsletter contents include:
Planning the 2010 SCAR Conference
- 2010 SCAR Open Science Conference and XXXI SCAR Meeting

Climate Change
- Ice Bridge Supporting Wilkins Ice Shelf Collapses
- Scientists Rethink Sea Level Rise from a Melted West Antarctic
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions Cause Ocean Acidification - Inter-Academy
Panel Statement on Ocean Acidification
- More Greenhouse Gas Methane Emerging from Warming Arctic Permafrost
- Arctic Dipole is the Major Driver for Arctic Sea Ice Minima
- Energy and Climate Change - A Statement from SCAR's Members (the Academies)
- Online Version of the International Antarctic Weather Forecasting Handbook

International Polar Year News
- Ministers Sign 2009 Declaration on the IPY and its Legacy
- Treaty Parties Resolve to Commit to Observing Systems and Data Exchange
- Presentations Now Available Online: A Celebration of International
Polar Year 2007-2008

- Penguins Scooped by Their Own Poop
- Ancient Ecosystem Discovered Beneath Antarctic Glacier
- SCAR MarBIN Test Drive
- Australia Provides Support for SCAR's Marine Biodiversity Information
Network (SCAR MarBIN)

Science and Society
- A New Social Contract for Science

Data and Information
- Researcher argues for publishing data
- SCAR Representative appointed to ICSU Data Committee

Education and Training
- IPY International Early Career Researcher Symposium
- Advanced Biology Training Course in Antarctica, January 2010

- Want to give a presentation on SCAR? Start here

- SCAR and IASC sign Agreement with International Permafrost Association (IPA)

Other SCAR-related Newsletters
- NOTUS: The newsletter of SCAR's Antarctica in the Global Climate System
- News from SCAR-MarBIN
- Latest Newsletters from other groups

To view the newsletter, please go to: