
Important Conference Information
Beringia Days 2009
National Park Service Shared Beringian Heritage Program
Anadyr, Chukotka, Russia
18-20 September 2009

Registration Deadline: Friday, 17 July 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Janis Kozlowski
Email: janis_kozlowski [at]
Phone: 907-644-3503

Peter Richter
Email: peter_richter [at]
Phone: 907-644-3601

Katerina Wessels
Email: katerina_wessels [at]
Phone: 907-644-3602

Beringia Days 2009 will be held 18-20 September 2009, in Anadyr,
Chukotka, Russia. Because Chukotka is a closed region, arrangements for
foreign participants will need to be confirmed by Friday, 17 July 2009.

The National Park Service Shared Beringian Heritage Program (NPS ShBHP)
staff will oversee the general logistics for the American delegation to
the conference. The following information must be emailed to NPS ShBHP
staff no later than Friday, 17 July 2009, in order to arrange for entry
into the Chukotka region:
- First, middle, and last names,
- Date of birth,
- Passport number,
- Passport issuing country,
- Date of passport issue,
- Date of passport expiration,
- Your citizenship,
- Your country and region of residence,
- The name and address of your place of employment,
- Your position title,
- Your telephone number and area code,
- Your e-mail address,
- A list of equipment you plan to bring,
- A list of printed materials you plan to bring, and
- A scanned image of the data page on your passport.

You will also need to obtain a Russian entry visa. Once the conference
participant list is delivered to the Russian consulate in Seattle, NPS
ShBHP will assist in obtaining visas. Please note that your ORIGINAL
passport will have to be sent to the consulate.

Travel into Anadyr is possible via charter flight with Bering Air from
Nome, Alaska. The current rate for a charter flight carrying 14-15
passengers and baggage is $28,000 - the per person price would be
determined by the actual number of passengers on the flight. Hotels in
Anadyr range in price from $220-$700 per night. Dormitory-style housing
is available for between $35 and $65 per night.

Beginning in 1997, the National Park Service (NPS) hosted an annual
Beringia Days conference in Anchorage, Alaska. The conference celebrates
the natural and cultural heritage shared by Russia and the United States
across the Bering Strait. In 2003, the Administration of the Chukotka
Autonomous Region agreed to host the conference on the alternate bases
with Alaska. The first conference was held in Anadyr that September.

The thematic session of this year's Beringia Days will be the same as in
years past: tourism, natural heritage, cultural heritage, traditions and
modern ways, and a new session dedicated to the revival of Chukotka
mushing dogs. The native folk culture festival "Ergav" (Chukchi for
"Lets have fun") will be held in Anadyr during the conference and
participants will have an opportunity to view some of the performances.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Janis Kozlowski
Email: janis_kozlowski [at]
Phone: 907-644-3503

Peter Richter
Email: peter_richter [at]
Phone: 907-644-3601

Katerina Wessels
Email: katerina_wessels [at]
Phone: 907-644-3602