
Workshop Support Available
Changes of the Greenland Cryosphere (CGC) Workshop
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation
Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
Katuaq, Nuuk, Greenland
25-27 August 2009

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 1 July 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Jennifer Laverentz
Email: jenlav [at]
Phone: 785-864-7722

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has provided funds to the Center
for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) to partially support US
graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and new investigators to
attend the Changes of the Greenland Cryosphere Workshop (CGC). The
workshop will be held 25-27 August 2009 in Nuuk, Greenland. For further
information about the conference, please go to:

CReSIS expects support for 15 participants, who are not affiliated with
CReSIS. Applicants must demonstrate how they will contribute to the
workshop and use the knowledge gained to advance their research on
observations and predictions of the Greenland ice sheet and sea ice.
Application materials must include participant name, affiliation,
research topic, and paper/poster abstract. PhD students near graduation
and early-career scientists, including underrepresented groups, will be
given preference. Please submit applications no later than Wednesday, 1
July 2009 to:
Dr. Prasad Gogineni, CReSIS Director
Email: gogineni [at]

NSF has offered further support by allowing meeting participants to use
the 109th flight between Schenectady and Kangerlussuaq. Meeting
participants will need to arrange and pay for all other aspects of their
travel, accommodations, and meals. For more information about this
opportunity, participants should contact Robin Abbott
(robin [at] to reserve a space on the 109th flight.

The purpose of the CGC workshop is to provide an opportunity for
researchers to present latest results from ongoing observations of
changes in the Greenland ice sheet, sea ice and permafrost, and the
development of models to explain observed changes and predict future
behavior. For more information about the workshop, please go to:

Student travel applications must be submitted by Wednesday, 1 July 2009.

For further information about the travel grant opportunity, please go to:

Or contact:
Jennifer Laverentz
Email: jenlav [at]
Phone: 785-864-7722