
New Issue Available
June 2009 Issue of the Journal ARCTIC
Volume 62, Number 2
Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)

For further information, please visit the website:

The Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) announces publication of
the June 2009 issue of the journal ARCTIC, Volume 62, Number 2. A
non-profit membership organization and multidisciplinary research
institute of the University of Calgary, AINA's mandate is to advance the
study of the North American and circumpolar Arctic through the natural
and social sciences, as well as the arts and humanities, and to acquire,
preserve, and disseminate information on physical, environmental, and
social conditions in the North. Created as a binational corporation in
1945, the Institute's United States Corporation is housed at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The following papers appear in the June 2009 issue of ARCTIC:

"Sea-Ice System Services: A Framework to Help Identify and Meet
Information Needs Relevant for Arctic Observing Networks"
By: Hajo Eicken, Amy Lauren Lovecraft, and Matthew L. Druckenmiller

"Habitat Use by Different Size Classes of Bowhead Whales in the Central
Beaufort Sea during Late Summer and Autumn"
By: William R. Koski and Gary W. Miller

"Factors Influencing Colony Attendance by Northern Fulmars in the
Canadian High Arctic"
By: Mark L. Mallory, Anthony J. Gaston, Mark R. Forbes, and H. Grant

"Adapting to Climate Change in the Southwest Yukon: Locally Identified
Research and Monitoring Needs to Support Decision Making on Sustainable
Forest Management"
By: A.E. Ogden and J.L. Innes

"Long-Term Control of Peary Caribou Numbers by Unpredictable,
Exceptionally Severe Snow or Ice Conditions in a Non-equilibrium Grazing
By: Frank L. Miller and Samuel J. Barry

"Population Dynamics of Long-tailed Ducks Breeding on the
Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska"
By: Jason L. Schamber, Paul L. Flint, J. Barry Grand, Heather M. Wilson,
and Julie A. Morse

"Selecting and Testing Cryptogam Species for Use in Wetland Delineation
in Alaska"
By: Robert W. Lichvar, Gary A. Laursen, Rodney D. Seppelt, and Walter R. Ochs

"Holocene Evolution of Lakes in the Bluefish Basin, Northern Yukon, Canada"
By: Bernard Lauriol, Denis Lacelle, Sylvain Labrecque, Claude R. Duguay,
and Alice Telka

"Contemporary (1951-2001) Evolution of Lakes in the Old Crow Basin,
Northern Yukon, Canada: Remote Sensing, Numerical Modeling, and Stable
Isotope Analysis"
By: Sylvain Labrecque, Denis Lacelle, Claude R. Duguay, Bernard Lauriol,
and Jim Hawkings

The June issue also contains six book reviews, an Arctic Profile of
Alexander M'Donald L.R.C.S.E. (1817 - c. 1848), written by Ian Barrie,
and an obituary for Claudette Reed Upton-Keeley, a former editor of
ARCTIC, written by AINA Research Associate Allice Legat.

Also included is an InfoNorth essay by Ryan K. Brook, a postdoctoral
fellow in the Department of Ecosystem and Public Health, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, at the University of Calgary: "Ignoring the
Elephant in the Room: The Carbon Footprint of Climate Change Research."

For information on becoming an AINA member and receiving the journal,
please visit the Institute's website at: