
Deadline Reminder
Session Proposals for the 2009 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
San Francisco, California
14-18 December 2009

Proposal Deadline: Friday, 12 June 2009

For further information, please go to:

Session proposals are invited for the 2009 American Geophysical Union
Fall Meeting, to be held 14-18 December 2009, in San Francisco,
California. Session proposals must focus on scientific results and / or
their applications.

Session proposals should be submitted to only one discipline. Each
submitted session proposal must include:
1. A session title
2. A session description, including: a defined science issue, an
explanation of its relevance, and a description of the types of
abstracts that will be solicited.
3. Convener information, including at least two, but not more than four
4. An index of terms (at least one index term must be provided).

Sessions must be submitted online. The deadline for proposals is Friday,
12 June 2009. For further information, please go to: