
Tenure-track Faculty Position Available - Micrometeorology
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska

Application deadline: Tuesday, 30 June 2009

For further information, please search for posting number 0057535 at:

Or contact:
Nicole Molders
Phone: 907-474-7910
Email: cmoelders [at]

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) of the College of Natural
Science and Mathematics (CNSM) and the International Arctic Research
Center (IARC) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) seek
applicants to fill a joint tenure-track faculty position in
Micrometeorology at the assistant professor level. The anticipated start
date is January 2010.

Applicants should hold a PhD in atmospheric sciences, meteorology,
atmospheric physics, or related field. Preference will be given to
applicants with expertise in experimental micrometeorology. The position
offers opportunities for research at the IARC (three quarter time, 6.75
months/yr) and carries the responsibility of teaching one course per
year (quarter time, 2.25 months/yr) in the department. Classes to be
taught include Micrometeorology, Boundary Layer Physics, Atmospheric
Turbulence, and Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics.

The successful applicant is expected to advise and mentor graduate
students and raise funding to support them. S/He will also pursue
externally funded field research focusing on micrometeorological
measurements of atmospheric and/or trace gas fluxes preferably using
eddy covariance techniques. Field experience is essential, as documented
by peer-reviewed publications.

The successful candidate will be expected to adopt a northern focus.
S/he should be willing to collaborate with UAF faculty on projects
related to climate, hydrology, permafrost, ecosystems (marine and/or
terrestrial), and/or sea ice dynamics. It is expected that the candidate
interact with ongoing IARC projects supported by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth-Science and
Technology (JAMSTEC). Opportunities exist to interact with personnel in
the National Weather Service Forecast Offices in Fairbanks (housed in
the same building as DAS and IARC) and Anchorage.

Applications must be completed online, no later than Tuesday, 30 June 2009.

For further information, including application instructions, please
search for posting number 0057535 at:

Questions about the position may be directed to:
Dr. Nicole Molders, Search Committee Chair
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Phone: 907-474-7910
Email: cmoelders [at]

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer.