
Second Call for Abstracts and Deadline Extension
Communities of Change - Building an IPY Legacy
9th ACUNS International Student Conference on
Northern Studies and Polar Regions
Yukon College - Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
2-5 October 2009

Extended deadline for submission of abstracts: Sunday, 31 May 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact the organizers at:
Email: info [at]

The Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS),
in partnership with Yukon College in Whitehorse, is soliciting abstracts
for the 9th International Student Conference on Northern Studies and
Polar Regions. The conference will be held 2-5 October 2009 in
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.

Particularly, abstracts are solicited that encompass the following areas:
- The impact of sustainable development, economic activity, and polar
law on communities, governance, and natural habitats.
- The use of natural, physical, and social sciences to help understand
the causes and effects of the changing polar climate.
- Changes to polar marine and terrestrial communities over the short
and long term.
- Changes in research communities and how research is undertaken in the
polar regions.

The Communities of Change - Building an IPY Legacy Conference will
highlight research occurring at both poles, including interactions
between the cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and society.
Inter-disciplinary sessions will be arranged based on the number and
breadth of abstracts submitted.

Please note the abstract submission deadline has been extended to:
Sunday, 31 May 2009.

Financial assistance for travel will be available to students; please
check the conference website for details.

For guidelines and further information about the abstract submission,
poster submission, and the conference in general, please visit:

Or contact the organizers at:
Email: info [at]