
Postdoctoral Position Available
Spatial Analyst / Marine Mammal Ecologist
Norwegian Polar Institute
Tromso, Norway

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 10 June 2009

For further information, please contact:
Kit M. Kovacs
Email: kit [at]
Phone: +47-7775-0526

Christian Lydersen
Email: Christian [at]
Phone: +47-7775-0523

Harald R. Lind
Email: job [at]
Phone: +47-7775-0630.

The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) is seeking a well-qualified spatial
analyst/marine mammal ecologist for a 3-year postdoctoral position to
work within a study entitled "The Population Biology and Ecology of the
World's Northernmost Harbor Seals in a Changing Arctic."

The position is to be held at the institute's head office in Tromso,
Norway; fieldwork will be conducted in Svalbard. The precise starting
date is negotiable, but the successful candidate must be in place by 1
September 2009.

The successful applicant must have an educational background in biology,
ideally including some marine mammal biology, and have strong analytical
skills, particularly in the area of spatial analyses and habitat
assessment. Documented experience in dealing with statistical treatment
of data from Satellite-Relay-Data-Loggers (e.g. mixed models,
first-passage times, Argos filters etc., etc.) is an essential job skill
for this PDF.

Field experience from polar regions is desirable but is not a
prerequisite. Similarly, experience with CTD-SRDL databases and an
interest in polar marine systems and climate change are seen as
desirable. A strong publication record will be viewed favorably.

Candidates must hold a PhD and have some experience with publishing in
refereed journals. The successful candidate must be able to work well in
a small team, both in the field and in the office.

The application deadline is Wednesday, 10 June 2009. Applications should
include a CV that includes a list of publications, names of at least two
references, and details of relevant qualifications and experience.
Applications should be submitted electronically at: If it is not feasible to submit your
application online, printed applications may be sent to the attention
Dr. Kit M. Kovacs
Norwegian Polar Institute
Polar Environmental Centre
NO-9296 Tromso

All applications can be handled confidentially until the application
deadline. Thereafter, a public list of applicants will be prepared.
Applicants who wish to reserve their applications from the public list
must give reasons for this in their applications. In accordance with new
public information laws, information about an applicant can be made
public even if the applicant has requested not to be included on the
public list of applicants.

Further inquiries about the position can be directed to:
Dr. Kit M. Kovacs, Biodiversity Research Program Leader
Email: kit [at]
Phone: +47-7775-0526

Dr. Christian Lydersen
Email: Christian [at]
Phone: +47-7775-0523

Harald R. Lind, Personnel Officer
Email: job [at]
Phone: +47-7775-0630