
Meeting Announcement
Wrangell - St. Elias Research Summit
Wrangell Mountains Center
McCarthy Alaska
6-7 July 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:

Michael Loso
Email: mloso [at]
Phone: 907-564-8263

Jeremy Pataky
Email: info [at]
Phone: 907-554-4464

Wrangell Mountains Center (WMC) is pleased to announce the first
Wrangell - St. Elias Research Summit: an interdisciplinary gathering of
academic researchers, NPS resource managers, students, and agency
scientists interested in the landscape and natural history of the
Wrangell-St. Elias region. The summit, sponsored by WMC with support
from the National Park Service and the Murie Science and Learning
Center, will be held in McCarthy, Alaska, from 6-7 July 2009.

The entire summit is free and open to the public; it will feature
numerous sessions appropriate for interested educators, guides,
residents, and visitors. Most activities, including group discussions
and communal meals for registered participants, will occur at the Old
Hardware Store, a historic mining-era building now serving as the rustic
headquarters for WMC. Additional activities, including public
presentations, will occur at the historic Kennicott Recreation Hall. A
variety of camping, hotel, and hostel-style accommodations are available
to participants.

Additional information, an evolving program schedule, and registration
forms are available at the Summit website: For
further information, please contact:

Michael Loso, Summit Convener
Email: mloso [at]
Phone: 907-564-8263

Jeremy Pataky, Wrangell Mountains Center Executive Director
Email: info [at]
Phone: 907-554-4464