
PhD Studentship Available
Arctic Winter Ecology
Department of Biology
Tromso University, Norway

Application Deadline: Monday, 18 May 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Elisabeth Cooper
Phone: +47-776-45244
Email: elisabeth.cooper [at]

The Department of Biology at Tromso University in Norway, announces a
PhD studentship in Arctic Winter Ecology: The Effect of Winter Processes
on Tundra Plants and Arctic Ecosystems. Upon completing the three-year
study period, the student would be expected to spend a fourth year
teaching or completing other duties for the university.

The project will study growing-season plant and tundra responses and
will also measure and model ecosystem carbon fluxes at different
temperatures and under varied snow and ice regimes throughout both
winter and summer. Fieldwork on Svalbard will be carried out throughout
the year, and experiments will also be undertaken in the phytotron
(Klimalaboratoriet), at the University of Tromso.

The importance of winter processes in arctic ecosystems is only just
being understood. Climate change, resulting in changes in snow
conditions, will affect soil temperature, microbial activity and winter
respiration as well as growing season length. Investigation of these
processes has begun in an experiment on Svalbard. The PhD candidate
would be expected to develop her/ his PhD project within this existing
framework and in conjunction with the supervisors.

The candidate should have experience with arctic plant ecology and gas
exchange measurements and/ or other ecophysiological techniques. The
student will be expected to undertake courses relevant to the subject of
his / her PhD, in addition to some technical training courses. The
candidate should be able to work both independently and in a team.

Applications must reference Ref. 2009/2073 and be completed
electronically using jobbnorge's website
( The
application deadline is Monday, 18 May 2009.

For further information, please visit the website, or contact:
Elisabeth Cooper
Phone: +47-776-45244
Email: elisabeth.cooper [at]