
Meeting Announcement
Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Annual Science Meeting
17-20 June 2009
Seattle, Washington

For more information, see:

Or contact George Hunt
Phone: 206-441-6109
Email: geohunt2 [at]

Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas (ESSAS), a regional program within
Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC), will hold its 2009 Annual
Science Meeting, as well as the annual meeting of its Scientific
Steering Committee, 17-20 June 2009 in Seattle, Washington.

The goal of the ESSAS program is to compare, quantify, and predict the
impact of climate variability on the productivity and sustainability of
sub-arctic marine ecosystems. ESSAS research and activities are
conducted through a circumpolar international collaboration of

The meeting program includes presentations and workshops on:
- Gadid-crustacean Interactions
- Advection and Its Effects in Sub-arctic Ecosystems
- Regional Climate Prediction
- Biophysical Coupling
- Modeling Ecosystem Response

For more information, see:

Or contact George Hunt
Phone: 206-441-6109
Email: geohunt2 [at]