
PhD Position
Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Technology (IMT)
Norwegian University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UMB)
As, Norway

Application Deadline: mid-May 2009

For more information, contact:
Bjorn R. Pettersen
Phone: +47 32136612 or +47 97585117
Email: bjorn.pettersen [at]
Christian Gerlach
Phone: +47 64965462).
Email: christian.gerlach [at]

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Technology (IMT) of the
Norwegian University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UMB) in As,
Norway, offers PhD scholarships in several research areas; applicants
are expected to send in a research proposal describing their desired
Ph.D. project. The IMT section of Geomatics invites interested Ph.D.
candidates to consult the section in order to prepare a proposal to
respond to an opportunity in physical geodesy.

The gravity field of the Earth gives insight into the mass distribution
and mass transport in the Earth system. This is relevant information for
geophysical models on various spatial and temporal scales. There are
several techniques to observe and model the gravity field. Measurements
are taken on the ground as well as onboard ships, airplanes or
satellites. It is a major task to combine different observations and to
exploit them in the best possible manner to support research in other
geosciences. Today there are two relevant gravity satellite missions,
GRACE and GOCE. The latter has high relevance for physics of the solid
Earth and oceanography, while GRACE plays a key role in global mass
transport, e.g. in connection with hydrology and glaciology. Preferably
the research project is concerned with the use of satellite data,
mathematical modeling and/or combination with terrestrial data. Ideally
the research is carried out in connection to geophysical application.
The project will be carried out at IMT, in cooperation with Bayerische
Kommission fur die Internationale Erdmessung at the Bavarian Academy of
Science and Humanities (BAdW) in Munich, Germany. IMT is equipped with a
FG5 absolute gravimeter, which allows observation of temporal gravity
variations on ground. Both BAdW and IMT carry out research in
glaciology, which provides options for close cooperation.

Application Deadline: mid-May 2009

For more information, contact:
Bjorn R. Pettersen
Phone: +47 32136612 or +47 97585117
Email: bjorn.pettersen [at]
Christian Gerlach
Phone: +47 64965462).
Email: christian.gerlach [at]