
Visiting Professorship Available
Environmental Science
Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden

Application Deadline: Monday, 1 June 2009

For further information, please contact:
Joseph Nordgren
Email: vicerektor [at]

Or go to:

Zennstrom Philantropies has granted Uppsala University a 10-year grant
for a rotating visiting professorship in Environmental Science, with a
particular emphasis on climate change and impacts. The visiting
professorship is intended to attract outstanding scientists for a term
position of one-two years, who can perform cutting edge research in the
areas of climate change and energy.

The visiting professor is expected to work across disciplinary borders,
act as a catalyst for new projects and collaborations, and teach at the
graduate and undergraduate levels. S/he is expected to spend at least
three months per year at Uppsala University.

Nominations and applications are invited for the position. To apply,
please send a CV, publication list, and a research plan (max 5 pages)
Joseph Nordgren
Email: vicerektor [at]

The deadline for applications and nominations is Monday, 1 June 2009.

For further information, please go to: