
Daily MODIS Mosaics of the Arctic Now Available
NASA Rapid Response Website

For further information, please go to:

Daily MODIS mosaics of the Arctic are now available from the NASA Rapid
Response website at: A complete
mosaic of previous day(s) can be viewed by clicking on the 'Prev" button
on the top of the page.

Each day a set of true color images are generated from data from the
Terra and Aqua satellites at 4km, 2km, 1km and 250m resolutions along
with a 367 false-color image generated from Terra. By clicking on each
individual tile within the mosaic, a page featuring that tile will come
up, and the 250m image for that tile can be downloaded.

The images are mapped using the Polar Stereographic projection with
origin at 0 longitude and +90 latitude with a +70 standard parallel
(also known as latitude of true scale). Each of the files can be
downloaded with the metadata file and directly used in GIS and remote
sensing software for integration into other products and services.

Information on using the mosaic image in GIS and image processing
software packages is available on the FAQ page at:

This project was funded through the Earth Sciences Division, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center.

For further information, please go to: