
Announcement of Opportunity
Decision Making Under Uncertainty Collaborative Groups (DMUU)
National Science Foundation

Full Proposal Deadline: 14 July 2009

For further information, please go to:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a cooperative agreement
announcement of opportunity. The Decision Making Under Uncertainty
(DMUU) collaborative groups competition offers awards to support teams
of researchers who will advance fundamental understanding of decision
making under uncertainty for climate change and related long-term
environmental risks.

The focus of these collaborative groups will be to generate fundamental
new knowledge as well as information and tools that decision makers will
find useful to help them incorporate climate change and related
long-term environmental risks in their decision making. The focus of
these collaborative groups should be to provide new knowledge about how
public officials, firms in the private sector, other groups, and/or
individuals can incorporate existing knowledge about climate change and
related long-term environmental risks into their decisions. In addition
to generating societally useful information and tools, DMUU
collaborative groups should enhance basic understanding within and
across the social and behavioral sciences as well as related science and
engineering disciplines.

DMUU Program Contacts:
Rita A. Teutonico
Email: rteutoni [at]
Phone: 703-292-7118

Robert E. O'Connor
Email: roconnor [at]
Phone: 703-292-7263

Thomas J. Baerwald
Email: tbaerwal [at]
Phone: 703-292-7301

The full proposal deadline is 14 July 2009.

For further information, please go to: