
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Announcement
Roberta Bondar Fellowship
Trent University
Ontario, Canada

Application Deadline: Friday, 24 April 2009

For further information, please contact:
Jim Struthers. Director
Email: jstruthers [at]

Trent University seeks applications for the post-doctoral Roberta Bondar
Fellowship in Northern and Polar Studies. The position is for a 1-year
term at a salary of $42,500, plus research allowance. This position is
aimed at recently graduated PhD's (within 5 years of graduation) with
research specialties in any area of northern and polar studies, focusing
on, but not strictly limited to, Canada's North.

The candidate is expected to reside at the university and participate in
the general milieu of Trent and especially its Northern Studies
activities. Specific duties consist of teaching one course in the area
of the candidate's specialty and two public lectures.

Requests for more information and applications (including a statement of
interest in Northern Studies and a curriculum vitae) should be directed
Dr. Jim Struthers
Director, Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies
Email: jstruthers [at]

The application deadline is Friday, 24 April 2009.