
Deadline Extension
Atmospheric Sciences Workshop
British Antarctic Survey
UK Polar Network
29 April - 1 May 2009

Extended Deadline: Friday, 13 March 2009

For further information, and to register, please go to:

The UK Polar Network is delighted to announce that due to an increase in
funding, additional places at the atmospheric sciences workshop, to
be held at the
British Antarctic Survey from 29 April through 1 May, are now available.

A registration fee is now not required, and will be refunded to those
who have already paid. Free lunches and refreshments will now be
offered, and help with travel and accommodation costs for those who need
it is now available.

The extended registration deadline is Friday, 13 March 2009. To
register, please go to:

All early career (post-graduate and post-doctoral) researchers with an
interest in the polar regions are invited to apply. Participants are
encouraged to present a poster, and will be given the opportunity to
help in the organization of the workshop, such as by chairing sessions.
An outline of the workshop format will be as follows:

Morning Sessions
Talks by senior scientists on their research and careers in the
following subject areas:
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Observation, by Stephane Bauguitte, Dwayne
Heard, Peter Liss;
- Atmospheric Dynamics and Climate Change, by Andrew Charlton-Perez,
Erik Kolstad and John Turner;
- Statistical Modeling in Climate Science, by David B. Stephenson; and
- Opportunity for sessions suggested by applicants.

Afternoon Sessions
- Poster Session;
- Climate Modeling Practicum;
- Outdoor/Lab Instrumentation Session; and
- Problem-Solving Sessions Where Problems Posed by Participants are
Discussed Informally with the Invited Senior Scientists.

Evening Sessions
- Social events including a wine reception sponsored by the Royal
Meteorological Society and a conference dinner.

For further information about accommodation, please go to:, or contact the workshop organizers at:
workshops [at]

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges to our society and the
atmosphere above the poles plays an important role in the global system.
The over-arching vision for the workshop is to bring together emerging
polar researchers and identify priorities and strategies that will shape
future polar atmospheric research.

The new registration deadline is Friday, 13 March 2009. For further
information, and to register, please go to: