
Archaeological Field School Announcement
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Mead Site
Delta Junction, Alaska

Review of Applications Will Begin: Monday, 30 March 2009
Enrollment is Ongoing Until: Monday, 4 May 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Ben Potter
ffbap3 [at]

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) will be excavating at the Mead
site, near Delta Junction, Alaska, as part of a summer field school
directed by Dr. Ben A. Potter and Dr. Charles E. Holmes. The UAF Field
School is particularly suited to graduate and undergraduate students in
archaeology, anthropology, history, ecology and related disciplines;
but, applications are encouraged from people of all backgrounds. The
only pre-requisite is an introductory archaeology course. Prospective
students must be 16 years old or older and physically able to live and
work in a remote wilderness area.

The Mead site is a multi-component site in central Alaska with four
components dating from 14,000 to 1,400 years ago in deeply buried
stratified contexts. The earliest component is thus among the earliest
in the New World. The site has remarkable organic preservation, similar
to the nearby Broken Mammoth site. This year's excavation will be the
first large-scale investigation of the site since its discovery.

To apply, you will need permission from the instructor. Please send Dr.
Potter (ffbap3 [at] the following documents:
1. Unofficial transcript (this can be a faxed printout or electronic
document), and
2. One academic reference (please ask the reference to email a brief
letter of support).

Due to the overwhelming interest in this project, the following
application schedule has been instituted:
- Registration is open between 23 February 2009 and 4 May 2009.
- Applications will be reviewed and acceptance decisions will be sent
out after 30 March 2009. (Applications will continue to be accepted
until the closing date on 4 May 2009).

For more information, please see visit the project website:

Or contact:
Ben Potter
ffbap3 [at]