
Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Tectonic Development of the Amerasian Basin
The Geological Society of America
Banff, Alberta, Canada
4-9 October 2009

Abstract Proposal Deadline: Friday, 1 May 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Victoria Pease
Email: vicky.pease [at]

The Geological Society of America (GSA) announces a call for abstracts
for the Tectonic Development of the Amerasian Basin Conference, to be
held 4-9 October 2009, in Banff, Alberta, Canada. The deadline for
submission of abstracts is: Friday, 1 May 2009.

The Conference is intended to:
1) Summarize the current state of knowledge for understanding of the
tectonic development of the basin;
2) Identify areas and techniques with the potential to answer specific
questions from the region (such as whether or not the Alpha-Mendeleev
Ridge is volcanic or extended shelf/crust); and most importantly
3) Spur new field mapping and sampling programs, new geophysical data
acquisition campaigns, and inspire the direct sampling of the Amerasian
Basin via ocean drilling projects.

Please contact Victoria Pease (vicky.pease [at] or Lawrence Lawver
(lawver [at] with a letter of intent that includes a
brief statement of interest, the relevance of your recent work to the
conference themes, the subject and mode (oral or poster) of your
proposed presentation, and your contact information. The deadline for
applications is Friday, 1 May 2009.

Graduate students are strongly encouraged to apply. Partial NSF support
may be available for students. Once you have been selected to
participate, conveners will forward your contact information to GSA, and
they will send you detailed registration information.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Victoria Pease
Email: vicky.pease [at]