
New Publication Available
Declaration on Coexistence of Oil and Gas Activities and
Indigenous Communities
The Arctic Centre
University of Lapland

For further information, please go to:…

Or contact:
Raija Kivilahti
Email: raija.kivilahti [at]

The Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland has published high
quality brochures of a declaration on the coexistence of oil and gas
activities and indigenous communities on Nenets and other territories in
the Russian North. The brochures are available in English or Russian.

The declaration is a key product of an international stakeholder
workshop held in Rovaniemi, Finland 10-11 December 2007, with funding
from the Finnish government via the Ministries of Environment and
Foreign Affairs. The workshop was the final activity of the research
project ENSINOR (Environmental and Social Impacts of Industrialization
in Northern Russia). Among the participants were indigenous
representatives, oil and gas industry workers, NGO representatives,
government personnel, and a mix of natural and social scientists. The
ENSINOR project was funded by the Academy of Finland 2004-2007 and
coordinated by the Arctic Centre.

An edited version of the information is available online at:….

If you would like hard copies of the brochures, or for further
information, please email Raija Kivilahti (raija.kivilahti [at]
Please indicate the language and number of brochures you would like.